A fellow Fisho from South Africa sent me thes awesome pics of Great Whites in South Africa. They were taken on the west coast at a place called GansBaai which is well known for them. Thought that they would be enjoyed by you all.
Cheers Rod
A fellow Fisho from South Africa sent me thes awesome pics of Great Whites in South Africa. They were taken on the west coast at a place called GansBaai which is well known for them. Thought that they would be enjoyed by you all.
Cheers Rod
Yeah ive caught them that big at the houseboat at peel Rod on a 4 inch minnow in watermelon.
No seriously thanxs for sharing the pics. Absolutely awsome mate.
unbelieveable! they never cease to amaze me those eating machines! what a moment it would be being that bloke in the foreground! thanks for that mate.
They actually all look like different whites too. as one has the battle scars under him in the pics , and it seems the others dont.
Could be the scotch though.
I would hate the thought of having to put in the old maday call in those waters.
Take that back , two of the pics are the same shark. Fiesty bitch.![]()
good going working in the Peel houseboat into this thread
But you told me it was 4" Zoom in watermelon
love the pics anyway, that bloke's a braver man than me ...
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem Bright ...... untill they speak
saw a couple feeding on a whale carcas once each frenzed attack would have flocks of shearwaters diving like crazy. surfings out this weekend thank you very much , great shots
Those pictures are incredible, i wouldnt be putting my hands anywhere near him![]()
Absolutely awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Awesome pics
I've done the Gaansbaai thing and it is pretty wild. I'll never forget when the first shark came up to the boat and circled past the transom, head out the one end and tail out the other. This American tourist looks at this and drawls "Oh they're not as big as I thought they were."
A moment's stunned silence followed, then the skipper turned to her and replied in a good heavy farmboy accent. "Maybe so lady, did you know the transom of my boat is 3.5m wide"
We got to see five that day and they were all about 5m long. One of the stunning things we realised was that they needed the entire length of the 8m charter boat just to turn around.
where they fishing? what was making it rise?
They suspend a bait below a float and then pull it towards the boat as the white follows .As it gets to the boat they lift the bait out the water and grab the shark on the nose. It then rears its head up out the water like in the pics. There are a few charter guys that have got it pretty well sussed. There is also one guy that free dives with them. He can have it mate, I have seen quite a few of them in SA and they are huge, you cannot believe something that big is a predator.