Went out last thursday on my boat Haggis (named after the missus) hoping to jag some good weather . It turned out to be a pearler after some early morning lumps . Went out through the tweed bar early and set some lures on the 8kg gear and could only manage stripe tuna and rat dollies.
Out to 80 m and got more of the same and jumped off a bigger dollie of 8 kg+.
The wind was dropping so headed wider inthe 585 haines in search of the big one.
Put out the 37kg gear and put a 15kg outfit down the middle . An hour later we see it get hit and the fun starts . By the time we cleared the rest of the gear the spool was looking pretty low and the chase was on.
After 35 minutes of fishing 15kg to its limit the fish was boatside , tagged revived and released . Weight was estimated about 100kg .
The photo doesn't do it justice .