I'll try to make it short'n'sweet; Saturday morning we headed through the Seaway with JB and another mate on board, wasn't long before we came across 8-10 boats all casting slugs at the same tightly packed bait ball. It was mayhem with 20+ people all casting slugs from different directions. Tangles were common but there were enough people hooking up to spotties to keep everyone trying. JB managed to pull 2 nice spotties before things went quiet (I must say things might've fired for a lot longer if the w@nkers in a *name withheld* boat stopped running over the bait ball >). With 2 fat spotties in the esky we put out the marlin spread and headed wide. We trolled for about 5hrs for 1 striped tuna. We covered some ground too, made it as wide as 'Spot X' before heading for home.
Sunday morning Brad_Watts and my Ol' Man went back in search of some more Mackerel fun. Signs weren't as obvious on the Sunday, so a spread of mackerel lures went out and we trolled the general vicinity of the day before. After about 30min of trolling we had a double hook up and managed to drop both. Not long after that we spotted some boats congregated to the North so we headed over to investigate. Sure enough, the bird activity had increased and, although scattered, the fish were busting the surface. Brad got to spinning and was soon hooked up (2nd cast I think?). I had a bait out that also got taken but was dropped after its first run (0 from 2 for me ). Things would've been fairly quiet if it wasn't for Brad spinning his arm off, his persistence paying off though as he was rewarded with another 2 big spotties and a nice yellowfin tuna. His last spottie would have to come close to the biggest I've seen and the yellowfin was a first for Brad.
All-in-all, a great weekend on the water