Correct me if im wrong, but Dave were you not slumped in the corner stuffed with arms like jelly after the epic fight with that big boof head
Great to meet you Pat, its a shame the Master Mono couldnt turn the fish on a little more, but he does have future customers to look after, besides he's a man of leisure now, with the Deckie Gabe doing all the work. while he sits in the Captains Chair watching the Videos, and we missed the live entertainment one he wanted to show.
Yes the sail was certainly a susprise especially on a poor old yakka, took some good skills by the Capt to keep the reel from spooling.
Brett I thought of you as i worked hard to get it near the boat, and all those trips you've put in, and we jagged one when not even targeting them
Think she went 295cm or around 9'6", weight somewhere in the 90-100kg mark, she was completley nackered when we gentle lifted here onboard, a few even wanted some bill fillets
but we slid here gentle back till she regained here posure and watched her/him swim back to the depths.
Yes im bragging a bit, as i've never been interested in chasing them, but to get one hooked up and get it onboard was a magic moment and the best fish i've ever caught and will most likely be my first and last.
To Mark thanks for the late call, can always count on you, putting the odd fish in the esky, and love the new rig, those twin 150 honda sure make here purr along.
The spotties were ball terrors in size, just waiting for may to get into the hoo again.
Great pics dave.
Ho ho ho to you too Darren