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Thread: inside and outside edge wed and thurs

  1. #1

    inside and outside edge wed and thurs

    The lads did a charter yesterday wide of mooloolaba and got one from 2 blue marlin (unfortunately i had other commitments and couldnt make it).

    We had a jigging charter today and it was a lovely day to be on the water. we had a bumpy run out into a straight easterly slop that had all but flattened out by 7.30am.

    We fished a few marks up and down the banks and had some great quality fish eating the jigs. Good ambos, kings and pearlies meant they had their arms well and truley stretched!! A near mirror smooth run home. Great day on to be on the water.

    A few pics to follow. will post some of the blue marlin when i recieve them.

    *one of the boys hooked up to a nice ambo

  2. #2

    Re: inside and outside edge wed and thurs

    There was more kingys around that what i have heard of for a while, and solid fish as well!!

  3. #3

    Re: inside and outside edge wed and thurs

    They can pull like freight trains!! a few jigs were lost to unstoppables.

  4. #4

    Re: inside and outside edge wed and thurs

    A few nice pearlies also decided they wanted a crack at the jigs

  5. #5

    Re: inside and outside edge wed and thurs

    And this is what we finished the day with, a double on good sized amberjack.

  6. #6

    Re: inside and outside edge wed and thurs

    some nice fish there jeffo
    going to try get out tomorrow

    cheers pete

  7. #7

    Re: inside and outside edge wed and thurs

    Nice pics Bruce lol
    plenty of AJ's to go around. Looks like a great day to be on the blue stuff....

  8. #8

    Re: inside and outside edge wed and thurs

    how far out do u go
    ? and where do u leave from.

  9. #9

    Re: inside and outside edge wed and thurs

    Nice aj's
    planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish

  10. #10

    Re: inside and outside edge wed and thurs

    great photos, thanks for the post.

  11. #11

    Re: inside and outside edge wed and thurs

    We followed you out yesterday in the Cruise Craft but it looked like you guys were going well north. Thanks for the pics, now we know what we missed out on. We scored assorted small reefies but unfortunately nothing to skite about.

  12. #12

    Re: inside and outside edge wed and thurs

    Go the Jiggers. a top day on the water mate. I am sure the charter guys were very happy.

  13. #13

    Re: inside and outside edge wed and thurs


    Great stuff mate, sorry to hear you missed the fun on the Blues. Same sort of place and depth as usual?

    Will catch up soon. Hey did you get those hooks?


    Matt Gross
    Ultimate Gamefishing Tackle

  14. #14

    Re: inside and outside edge wed and thurs

    Had another Charter yesterday (saturday) and got some more big ambos and kings. biggest was around 25kg's.

    Friday we dropped a bait to the bottom in 320m of water and got this harpuka.

    seahorse- we usually start at about 18miles out and go anywhere up to around 30 miles. We leave from mooloolaba.

    John- i noticed you a bit behind us. wasnt the smoothest run out!!

    matt- didnt get any hooks yet. Blues were wide spread from 200m out to over the edge.

  15. #15

    Re: inside and outside edge wed and thurs

    Nice report Jeffo and some awesome fish. Great when you can pick up some table fish like that pearly while having some fun with the AJ' & Kingies. Does anyone ever catch Sambo's on the metal jigs?

    That Hapuka is Tops. Did you stop on a show - if so, what sort of sounder do you have? I doubt mine would work that deep (not that I would go that far in my bath tub)...

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