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Thread: Trag Jew Surprise

  1. #1

    Trag Jew Surprise

    I was a late call up to fish with Mick and Meggsy on the tempest grounds in Micks boat Squidly. Went out earlier than normal and was fishing by 3.30am on a slow drift and having picked up the odd Trag Jew before was suprised to see jew coming in one after the other. Nice fish 3 to 4kg and throw in a good bag of snapper and pearlies we had a great looking esky by stumps. I see Doug Hanning speared a couple on sunday as well and was wondering if it was a once off or they school this time of year? They were all very empty gutted and not in spawn but very tasty on the plate.
    PS Have a safe Easter everyone

  2. #2

    Re: Trag Jew Surprise

    You too scoota

    see ya round




  3. #3

    Re: Trag Jew Surprise

    Hi Scoota - we fished a lot of full moon charters at tempest and surrounds a few years ago with Dave Palermo on Reel Easy.

    We caught heaps of Trag - one night there was so much fish under the boat and showing on the sounder that you couldnt have made elbow room amongst them; the catch that night was trag, snapper, small amberjack and nothing else coming over the side 2 at a time.

    That area seems to hold good quantities of Trag for sure. Like the full moon.


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