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Thread: Sat southern gutt

  1. #1

    Sat southern gutt

    Went out to southern gutters on sat 2 P.O.B, left early from Hervey bay marina,( but not as early as we should have! Jaso, two more strikes and your out!!) , headed to the bait grounds. Very poor show of livies that morning due to lots of mackrel smashing them up over the last few days, so headed to another spot to get some with a good result, but a late start. Headed to south-gutt with a 15 knot s/w chop to contend with, but got there in good time . we found spot X full of life, dropped anchor and got ready for another thrashing. Once again we were largey outclassed by big fish , with only bringing home some respectable trout ect. Conditions turned to a glass-out , resulting in a P.B time for the trip home, at times exceeding 40 Knots. Next time i will remember to buy some big-gun 10/0 to try to stop hooks from bending straight!.
    All the best, INSIDEOUT.

  2. #2

    Re: Sat southern gutt

    hi insideout
    at least u ended up with a mixture of fish
    and a good feed
    how long does it take to get up there from h/bay
    have not fished up that far yet
    cheers pete

  3. #3

    Re: Sat southern gutt

    Love the sweety head bloody sharks

  4. #4

    Re: Sat southern gutt

    nice mixed bag there insideout...Well Done [smiley=thumbsup.gif] [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

    cheers tim

  5. #5

    Re: Sat southern gutt

    Outsiderskip ,it usually takes 1.5 - 2 hours to get where we go or 45 min when there is a glassout!

    indy , yeah we lost a lot of fish that day to sharks,and as usual, thay take the best fish!

    Tim - thanks mate!

  6. #6

    Re: Sat southern gutt

    some very nice trout mate.Shame about those sharks,
    well done cheers, ty

  7. #7

    Re: Sat southern gutt

    yum yum tasty b.b.q there boys well done.

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