Happy Easter Ausfishers, Friday we decided to go to the southern gutters again to see whats happening, and another slow start due to lack of live bait. But we pesisted and finally got enough to go. The trip out was bumpy and we found pot-holes everywhere ,but finally made it to our mark after 2 Hours steaming. We fished spot x for a couple of hours with no takers, and the tide had turned , so we decided to go on a scouting mission to grounds never seen by us before. After heading in general directions ,running a grid for close to 3 hours, we found ground that did not look very promising, but warrented closer inspection none the less. After doing a drift with a livie down in 45 mtrs of water over this spot i got slamed on my TLD 30 2 speed and needed low gear to winch it aboard.Thinking it was a cod, it turned out to be a 8.5kg trout! So we double timed it back to new spot , anchored up and let the good times roll. After the dust settled ,and the yelling and laughing subsided , the final tally was 18 great sized trout, 5 good sweetlip ,and 3 good cod , which all went toward replentishing our low fish stocks.And the added bonus of getting home early. Yes, that day ,the gods smiled...................
me with trout