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Thread: 10.6 KG JACK

  1. #1

    10.6 KG JACK

    I was fortunate enough to have most of this week off and with such great weather ive been fishing the banks and the hards for the last three days. I came back into mooloolaba only long enough to change crew members, in this time i managed a number of nice fish, i'll do a full report after i get some sleep. Heres a pic of the 10.6kg jack we got for those ausfishers that i spoke too out there...
    full report soon ...foxy

  2. #2

    Re: 10.6 KG JACK

    Thats Gold

    Great fish.


  3. #3

    Re: 10.6 KG JACK

    holy sh*t i've never seen a jack that big

    awesome foxy great work

    ... i only work to support my fishing addiction.....

  4. #4

    Re: 10.6 KG JACK

    Does that fish have a deep pit at the front of it's eye? Know where I'm heading? RB?

  5. #5

    Re: 10.6 KG JACK

    Just can't pick it up clearly in the pic but is that a pit in front of its eye i.e. is it a red bass and not a jack? Willing to be corrected

  6. #6

    Re: 10.6 KG JACK

    i would say that is a RED BASS (Lutjanus bohar)

    Dark red-brown upper body paling to reddish on sides and belly. Fins dark red with almost black outer edges. Different from mangrove jack in having a deep pit on snout between eye and nostril.

    Large red bass is not usually eaten because it has a reputation for causing ciguatera poisoning

    cheers tim

    here is a picture of a RED BASS

  7. #7

    Re: 10.6 KG JACK

    Hi, What would the eating quality a fish that size. cheers sam

  8. #8

    Re: 10.6 KG JACK

    Im afraid fellas your wrong, having caught over the years if not hundreds and possiably thousands of red bass and numerous reef jacks im quite confident at distingishing between the two species. Wait for the full report and photos and youll soon see that this is 100% jack ...foxy

  9. #9

    Re: 10.6 KG JACK

    3 dyas on the banks Dave...................those fish out there will be shaking in their boots.

    Yep, That's about the biggest Jack I have seen. many 5-8kg's coming from the deep water off the Fraser Coast area, but that's a " honker ".

    Look forward to the report, and in particular something more on the jack, in relation to bait, rig and tackle.

    Haven't seen you put your hand up for the Oct 1770 M & G ?

    Cheers Phill
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  10. #10

    Re: 10.6 KG JACK

    What a week to have off with the weather we had. Biggest jack I've ever seen. Look forward to the full report.


  11. #11

    Re: 10.6 KG JACK

    I have read only recently that the way to distinguish Red bass from Mangrove Jack' s is that Red Bass are much harder to remove the scales from than a Jack. But here is a photo of the Jack we just caught in a creek in Cairns and the scales were nearly impossible to remove, even with a scaler. It was 40cm and fought like a steam train. Luckily I had a wire trace and hard bodied lure.

  12. #12

    Re: 10.6 KG JACK

    Man I thought my jack was good
    Rainbow Trout is NOT skittle flavoured fish.........

  13. #13

    Re: 10.6 KG JACK

    OMG - spectacular jack there

  14. #14

    Re: 10.6 KG JACK

    what an absalute beast. looks like jack lives on your mark to me foxy.

  15. #15

    Re: 10.6 KG JACK

    Geday Foxy ,
    Horse of a Reef Jack . [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
    They know how to pull , I got a couple of smaller ones of Fraser a couple of years ago .

    Jack or Red Bass -
    Guys we also got some Red Bass on the same trip .
    When you see them togeather its easy to tell them apart .

    As some have already stated .
    Red Bass are different from mangrove jack in having a deep pit on snout between eye and nostril.

    The key point here is the DEEP PIT on the Red Bass .
    The Jacks still have a mark in the same place .

    Searaider 2

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