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  1. #1


    What a week its been!
    It all started tuesday arvo when after talking to mates steve and greg a trip to the banks was hastely organised.We left just after dark from mooloolaba and had to be back by lunchtime as the boys had to work that afternoon.With such time restrictions we decided to fish some closer spots but after leaving the ramp and discovering how good the conditions were, we headed wider sitting on a comfortable 31knots.
    We started off in the shallower areas and found the snapper were biting. As it turned out they continued to feed in most locations right threw the night. With a number of quality snapper on board and the odd pearly the boys were keen to tackle a red or two so we hit a few spots id caught them in the past. This produced more nobbies and a number of AJ's and it looked like no reds would play the game.
    The rigs we were using consisted of overheads with either 50lb mono or braid with ball sinkers and ganged 7/0s. The reds being bottom dwellers probably werent seeing the baits of slimmies and pillies as it wasnt reaching them threw the guantlet of nobbies and AJ's. Rather then changing rigs we persisted with the setup.
    Around this time greg who was on a bit of a roll hooked another solid fish and after a lengthy battle the call was made for the first red. It was with both shock and delight as the fish hit the surface and was gaffed and raised over the side to reviel a horse of a jack. What a fish!! (wieghed officially later at 10.6 kg).
    We grabbed a few quick pics andgot the lines back down to see what else was down ther.
    The fish continued coming and by morning we'd all managed a red as well as a mix ofpearlies,cod,moses and parrot. To finish up the trip a huge manta ray swam under the boat and our lines were attacked by the school of cobia that accompanied him.
    With a comfortable ride home it was then a mater of unloading,refueling,more ice,bait and tucker. Regulars paul,adam and pete jumped on board and we were heading back out again.
    This time we went wide with the intention of working our way in and towards home over the following days.
    Without going into major detail once again the predominate species were nobbies although in our travels we encountered our share of pearlies,mouri cod,parrot,moses,trag jew,jobfish,gold spots,husser,barracuda,travelly andpete landed his customary large slatey bream.
    We tried a few different things over the days with one mega session jigging.With the video camera rolling we got some awesome footage of single ,double and tripple hookups on AJ's and yellow tail kings.
    For the last night we targetted large nobbies and after much searching and trying to avoid the swarms ofsmaller snapper and pearlies we managed a number of quality fish the best being a 9.2 kg fish.
    Well after 3 days on the water with little to no sleep and having worn out my arms on AJ's and the like im taking it easy over easter, all the best...foxy.

    adam fighting a large fish

  2. #2


    paul with a YTK

  3. #3


    Me in action on heavy stand up gear

  4. #4


    typical AJ

  5. #5


    snap and paul

  6. #6


    me and common size snap

  7. #7


    greg and the jack

  8. #8


    me and the same fish

  9. #9


    las pic
    paul with the two stand out fish a jack at 10.6 and a nobby at 9.2....foxy

  10. #10


    Foxy you are the original "Grim Reaper" of the sunshine coast reefs! Absolutely awesome.... i saw you at the t&t show at Gregs chat i should of said G'day. Stunning results and a solid effort made you deserve every fish well done!


  11. #11


    Just wondering mate where u got the Jack were u in the shallow or the deep grounds?

  12. #12


    Geday foxy,
    Top report & photos [smiley=2thumbsup.gif].
    Massive fish , hows the size of that JACK

    You'll be happy to get back to work to have a spell

    Searaider 2

  13. #13


    Top fish Foxy, perfect weather and some quality fish.


  14. #14


    Riptide - 60 meters mate..
    Pete- about time we saw a report from that allison i recon, and yes sometimes work does seem easier, i need a spell, lol

  15. #15


    Foxy, foxy foxy. Your a deadset legend! Mate looks like it was 'going off', again. Well done.
    "May your ratchet keep screamin"

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