G/ day all, after much will i or wont i myself and my brother Steve headed out the seaway around 6.30am hoping that the predicted 20knt n/w didnt get up to early. Got to the area we were targeting and found lots of birds diving on small macks and a few spotties mixed in, threw all but the sink at em >with only a couple of near misses, with the bin still empty we decided to drop a few pillies and skirts out and see if that might pull a few. Almost straight away we had action and it wasnt long before the first o/s spottie hit the deck and things were lookin up. The next hook up had my brother bending his back big time with something very big and very fast (HOO or BLUE ) id say manged to get him within eye sight and one last run seen him win the battle with my brothers lure still hangin from his gob ! Picked up another two o/s spotties and three 60cm doggies over the next two hours, and dropped at least another six macks in that time (they must have had there teeth sharpened ) ive never lost so much gear to spotties before. All in all a top morning to be on the big blue sea, the spotties went almost 85cm and a rough guess were 4 kilo.
CHEERS RAY PS bumped into Rhys (Flaming Riptide) in the seaway always nice to catch up with another ausfish maniac cheers Rhys. Pics to follow. Brother with first spottie !