the flamin riptide with rhys,mark,mick and myself was on water by 3.30am sat cruzed out to the north end of banks at 45k per hr .looked like the car park at suncorp on friday night out there with no less than fifty thousand boats doin the same thing.
first lot of berley out saw a few cobes at the boat but not keen on hooked bait . the bite was slow most of the day with only a few moments of mayhem in between . mick scored the first knobbie around 4-5kg only to be trumped by yours trully minutes later with a 73cm 5.5kg model . dropped a few good fish and i think all 4 of us got bitten or rubbed off by at least one or two gooduns during the day . few pearlies , parrot and i managed a sampson on a gulp that went like the clappers.