Had enough of work on tuesday,sick of seeing boats going past the job site,new the weather was going to be good wednesday so i decided to sack myself and go for a fish![]()
All started well left ballina at 4:45am,and headed for evans head.Arriving at the ramp there was only 1 boat just heading out,got to the bar and it was like a mill pond,we headed straight for the bait grounds,we got a few livies,the water was cool 21.3 degrees i thought it abit cool for mackeral,so we decided to anchor up and berley up some snapper,as the sun came up so did the westerly of 15 to 20 knots,the water was reasonably clear and the current running up hill.After an hour we hadn't had a touch,alot of pro boats had come down from ballina,i said to my deckie they would have come down here for a reason so we decided to go have a look![]()
after travelling 6km down the coast we saw a few boats in one area,upon closer inspection everyone on board most of the boats was hooked up
.The spotties were on big time we joined in,only having afew livies they soon ranout
so we started berleying with minced up pillies and the fish went beserk,after 2 and a half hours we had caught 30 fish,we only kept 8 which was enough
i wish i had charged the batteries for the camera and knew how to put the photo's on my report,hopefully next time it was like having a week off,feeling refreshed back to work today.
cheers mal