Mate and I have been unable to get out for ages (weather, me moving house, him with a big job on) Yesterday was a window with Bouyweather suggesting 8-10 kts and 1-1.5 seas. We decided to put the extra fuel in the boat and travel to the italian Grounds south of Evans Head. There's a special pinnacle (actually a "city") there that we hadn't fished for months. Got to Jeff's place at the appointed time and he was still asleep! - Not a good start. Quick cup of tea and we got into the water not long after pre-dawn light. Bar was flat as - so all good - went to the bait grounds and bait was plentiful - small slimies - great!!
Out of the protected areas and the wind started to pick up - half way there we were 3/4 sideways into 15-20 kt wind and white capped chop - bugger!!
Anyway we were determined to get there - and did, but a bit wet. Sounded around and no fish to be seen on the sounder. Decided to anchor up after finding that the drift was way too fast. For reasons that are too distressing to talk about, we didn't have a sand anchor, so after 4 or 5 shots at trying to anchor onto the mark with the pick we finally settled on a grab about 30 metres north of it where there was shale and sand.
We weren't too hopeful, but burleyed heavily with small bits of pilchard and fish scraps and tuna oil-soaked pellets.
A few flathead came aboard and after about an hour a few lttle squire 35-40 cms.
We were getting a bit restless and i suggested we pack up and sound somewhere else, I just started to turn the handle to wind in when THUMP I was on, no questions asked. 10 minutes later Mr.Knobby was netted and me a very happy camper.
As you can see from the pic I got him on a white snapback. I usually bottom bash with a paternoster (Our father !!) rig with 3 hooks, a SP hanging off the top hook. I like to think that I've always got something in the water that will catch a fish even if I have been baited on the other two hooks. Its been successful, catching coral trout and other reef fish, jewfish, squire, and lots of sergeant bakers. The fish in the pic is the first really decent snapper. Its not huge (5.93 kg gilled and gutted) compared to the knobs that some of you guys have boated, but it's my PB so thought I'd put it up.