Hi folks
Just getting around to posting a couple of photos of our skool holiday camp at Station Creek.
Had another couple of reel hot sessions only 2km from where we launch the boat at our camp site at Pebbly Beach.
Wayne came in trumps again with a very healthy 4 kg pearlie and a 85cm, 8kg plus snapper as well.Had to get a mate to come out with another esky to take the fish home (the ones that didn’t get eaten that night on the BBQ) Lucky its only a half hour drive from home.
Wayne caught the snapper in the most unorthodox way,he thought he was snagged to the bottom so he put the down the rod and grabbed an armful of line to break it off when he finds that the line is swimming away
. What followed had me in stitches as the rod flies up off the floor and Wayne is desperately trying to get control of it as the fish swims under the boat with Wayne in hot pursuit hanging over the side yelling this is a good fish.
Had fun with the kids putting them onto trevs and rat kings out near the bommie. Light gear and a rat king certainly teaches the kids all about drag and how to lift and wind.
Another great camping holiday with friends and family.
Its all Good