Went for a trip down the Tweed Thurs. Stopped out the front of Pt Danger for some livies and managed some really small pike. There were a few small tuna on the surface and I got a couple of frigates spinning. Gave one a swim for 20 minutes or so with no hits, so went down to Palm Beach. Must have been 200 boats there. I anchored up away from the bunch closer to the headland, but the wind was against current and I ended up fishing down my anchor line [smiley=thumbsdown.gif]. Gave that away after 30 minutes. Set up a frozen bonito and a pilly for the troll for 20 minutes, and then pulled them in and had a weave through the parking lot to see what I could see. Heaps of bait in one spot, so I had a few casts but no hits. Also had a slug land quite close to my boat. Not sure whether it was on purpose or accident, but I decided I had seen enoughand went on my way.
On my way back toward Kirra I came across some more frigates and spun another up and sent it back out with some extra hardware. About 15 minutes later I am thinking what is that sound [smiley=helpa.gif] and turned around to see the line going from the TLD15. Forgot to set the ratchet. Ended up being a nice cobia of 7.6 kg.
Spun up another frigate and kept going but no more hits. Went out to the Mud Hole and set some lures and headed SE of the 9 mile. Winds were light but the seas were pretty sloppy. Again I heard that crackling sound [smiley=stupid.gif] as I had not set the ratchet again and my smallest bibless lure on 4 kg had been taken. Pulled the other gear in and set off in chase. I was sure it would be a wahoo as it was screaming off on the surface. Got to within about 100 m of it and a little black jumped and threw the lure.
Kept going South and did a couple of circles of the 9 mile, both with lures and baits. Then headed NE again. Pulled the gear in to meet up with Blackened and GM, and ran over another little black on the way.
Came back in around 1pm. Water temp was 23.6 and clear as. I could see the bottom of the river at the bar coming back into the Tweed near high tide.
sorry no photos. Fishing solo.