Howdy all,
Just had a quick trip out from the Wide Bay Bar, which produced a good variety of fish such as Red Emperor, Pearlies, loads of Maori Cod, Moses Perch, Parrot and Hussar all caught from the closer in grounds. Had the Oldman and Foxy (dfox) aboard and went wide in the afternoon and found an upturned Cat about 26 foot long with motors still attached out near the shelf. It looked like it had been in the water for a fair period of time with amount of growth on it and also by the large amount of fish life around it. Some big Bull Dolphin fish were hanging around but you couldn’t get a bait near them with out all the other small fish picking the bait to pieces. The Cat was on the edge of a very strong current line and was heading south at a fair speed in the current. Details were passed onto Coast Guard who were going to then pass onto the police for further investigation. That was about as much excitement we had out wide as the current was ragging and the Northerly wind started to blow 15-20 knots making it un-fishable. We headed back in to the closer grounds and anchored up for the night catching a few reefies to keep us amused. Plenty of Container ships and sloppy seas made it hard for a good sleep before returning to an area out the front of the bar early in the morning for some School and Spottie Macks on slugs. Sorry didn’t take a lot of pics and have kept the good ones for BnB.
Regards Greg