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Thread: Salmon in the Logan ...???

  1. #1

    Salmon in the Logan ...???

    Fished Pitts Rocks in the Logan Monday night for not much result other than a well armed buck muddie caught on a live prawn of all things.
    When cast netting up the prawns we brought in a juvenile (5cm) salmon of some variety that I was wondering if anyone could ID.
    It had a protruding nose with underslung mouth, forward positioned eyes, bluish green back & head, & a large yellowy cream coloured forked tail. No obvious barbells but the pectoral fins finish to a fine point. The tail to body size ratio has me thinking the adult of the species would be an absolute speedster.
    What is it? How big do they get?
    Has anyone caught an adult around the Logan / Pin & are they the blurter their tail implies?
    Thanks for your help,

  2. #2
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Salmon in the Logan ...???

    Hey Chris,
    Stephen T and I got a few of them up there last night- bluey green backs,underslung jaw and sharp little teeth and dorsal fins,big tail- we reckon they were baby tailor-looked like it to us anyway.
    Cheers Luke

  3. #3

    Re: Salmon in the Logan ...???

    thanks for the reply Luke,
    this one definitely was not a tailor. The front of a tailor's mouth sort of points up. This thing had a mouth that was underneath its nose, like a sharks but it wasn't a shark as it had bony fins. Looked like a miniature of pictures of salmon I've seen from up north but I didn't think they bred down this far. It's tail would have been half as big again as a tailor's tail is in proportion to its body & the fork was far more defined. The Pin never ceases to amaze me with its variety.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Salmon in the Logan ...???

    No worries Chris,
    your'e right about the variety. I don't know what it might have been then but there are people here that should. Here's another one-it looked like some sort of stone fish-really spikey sort of the same shape as a toad fish and a dark chocolate brown ???
    Cheers Luke

  5. #5

    Re: Salmon in the Logan ...???

    Stargazer ??? They look just like a stone fish with a huge head and mouth. The ones I've caught around the pin are a light sandy colour though with a white belly, maybe the logan ones are darker from the mud. They are excellent eating. Make sure of the species though.
    Is there a nuclear power plant feeding into the logan creating freak fish & even freakier local fishos (see Moderators Section).

  6. #6
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Salmon in the Logan ...???

    I haven't noticed any nuclear power stations even with this extra eye growing out of my ear but I might have ridden past it on my bmx and not noticed he he
    Cheers Luke

  7. #7

    Re: Salmon in the Logan ...???

    Hi all
    These fish are as common in the Logan as bream at the Pin.
    The common name is putty nose perch but they certainly look like a threadfin.
    They don't grow much bigger than 30cm in our waters.

    There are a lot of bullrouts in the Logan at the moment - look a bit like a small cod but choclate brown - watch out as they hurt.

    Dave ><>

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