Ausfish members,
My name is Simon Harmon, and I am conducting some market research into the feasibility of a Brisbane based shark fishing competition. The competition would take place in the grounds surrounding Moreton bay, including local piers and beaches. “Tag and Release” is the competition theme.
In order to obtain suitable data, I have prepared a number of questions that I would like everyone to answer. Your co-operation in answering the questions is much appreciated.
·Is there a strong interest in the proposed event?
·Is there a need for the public education of inshore shark species?
·Will the surrounding community, and/or competition participants benefit from the event?
·Will the event have the support of “greenie” minority groups?
·If undertaken, would your organization support/sponsor the event?
·Would your organizations current membership base be receptive of the event?
Disclaimer: “This market research is being conducted for a uni assignment. The proposed event is fictional and will not take place. However, factual data is required”.