The Pros want to maximise their income.
The Pollies want to get re-elected.
I want to a kilo of fresh Mackerel for around $10 from the local. I also want to get out on the boat to catch a feed for the family. And I want my 2 young sons to enjoy fishing in their old age.
In the currecnt environment a comprimise for sustaining the limted fish stocks is going to be tough to find.
The Pros are businessmen, well connected and well organised. But they have their price.
The Pollies will do ANYTHING to save their jobs. They address issues on the "squeaky wheel" principle. I'd be surprised if rec. fishing is on their radar screen.
I am a voter who fishes but I'm more concerned with issues like health, wealth and education. And the Pollies know this.
RIS and GBRMPA will impact ALL fishos and seafood consumers.
If rec. fishos want a voice, focus on the Pollies. Find out who your local, state and federal member is and write to them. Be brief and to the point. Suggest ways forward e.g rec. fishing licences to fund the buy out of Pros and better catch surveylance (be prepared to give and take). We need the support of business such as Shimano, Quintrex, Navman, etc down to the local tackle shops. What are these guys doing?
I will write my letters to the NQ pollies today. I work next door to one of them so I'll hand deliver! I encourage you to do the same. I will be handing out a "how to" at my fishing club on Sunday.