Just wondering what peoples interpretation of the barra closed season is. There is a big debate in Townsville at the moment about whether you should be able to target barra, for catch and release, during the closed season. The ross river in Townsville has a series of weirs along it, and form minni dams along the river. There has been barra stocked into the fresh water of the ross river, and have thrived. Now to the debate. About a week or two ago, a group of anglers were actually fined for fishing in the weirs. They understood that the law was only refering to the taking of barra. Now what do they mean by taking? Does that include targeting? This very question has divided the fishing community in townsville. The way I (and many other fishermen) see it, is that these fish were stocked there in the first place and have no opportunity to breed. The only way they can reach the saltwater is during a flood, where they then have to pass over 3 different weirs to reach the salt water. Now these weirs are a good 5-6meters high. You can't tell me that the barra are going to be in any flash condition, after surfing flood waters down a 6 meter drop. But the authorities seem to think different. They are saying that catching a fish puts immense stress on them, and this i'd have to agree with. But if handled properly, the fish surely is going to be in a better way than after surfing in a flood.
I personally believe that the targeting of barra is not going to have a drastic effect on their breeding capability. If they are brought to the boat/bank quickly enough, and released properly, they should be fine.
Interested to hear any other views on this.