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Thread: New freshwater rules - it's official

  1. #1

    New freshwater rules - it's official

    Hi All
    This replaces my earlier post on this topic. I have just had it confirmed that new rules apply to the freshwater fishery.

    There are several pages of information, so I suggest you keep an eye on Fishweb for more details.We'll have a comprehensive roundup in January BNB Fishing too. - Ron Collins, Ed.

  2. #2

    Re: New freshwater rules - it's official


    Take and possession limits and size limits

    Silver perch, Barcoo grunter and Welch’s grunter
    No change. Amended combined take and possession limit from 10 to 5. Introduced a catch and release fishery for silver perch in the Warrego and Paroo river systems.
    Eel-tailed catfish. No change
    Amended combined take and possession limit from 10 to 5 throughout QueenslandAmended combined take and possession limit to include Cooper Creek catfish
    Obbes’ catfish N/A Introduced take and possession limit of 20
    Silver tandan N/A Introduced take and possession limit of 20
    River blackfish N/A Introduced a catch and release fishery for river blackfish
    Blueclaw crayfish N/A Introduced a take and possession limit of 100Berried females be returned to the water within their natural range
    Redclaw crayfish N/A Take and possession limit of 40 now applies only to natural range (ie natural range does not include Tinaroo Dam)Berried females be returned to the water within their natural range
    Spiny crayfish N/A Take and possession of spiny crayfish prohibited
    Barramundi Increased minimum size limit within non-tidal waters in Gulf of Carpentaria from 58cm to 60cmSee below for maximum size limit in some stocked dams See below for take and possession limit during closed season in some stocked damsSee below for take and possession limit for barramundi >120cm throughout the year in some stocked dams
    Mangrove jack No change Introduced a take and possession limit of 5 for mangrove jack in non-tidal waters flowing into the Gulf of Carpentaria
    Bloomfield River cod N/A Take and possession of Bloomfield River cod prohibited
    Sooty grunter No change Introduced a combined take and possession limit of 10 for sooty grunter and khaki bream

    Exemptions to closed seasons

    Australian bass
    The exemption to the closed season for Australian bass (1 June to 31 August each year) has been extended to include: Claude Wharton Weir and Jones Weir.

    The exemption now applies to 22 dams/weirs that have been stocked with Australian bass.

    The exemption from the closed season for barramundi now includes 18 dams that have been stocked with barramundi:

    East coast of Queensland
    Awoonga Dam Burdekin Falls Dam Callide Dam
    Eungella Dam Fred Haigh Dam (Lake Monduran) Fairbairn Dam
    Kinchant Dam Koombooloomba Dam Lenthalls Dam
    Peter Faust Dam Teemburra Dam Tinaroo Dam
    Wuruma Dam

    Gulf of Carpentaria
    East Leichhardt Dam Lake Belmore Lake Corella
    Lake Julius Lake Moondarra

    These 18 dams/lakes are exempt from the maximum size limit of 120cm for barramundi.

    A take and possession limit of 1 exists for barramundi >120cm caught in the above 18 dams/lakes throughout the year.

    A take and possession limit of 1 exists for barramundi caught in the above 18 dams/lakes during the closed season (this one barramundi can be >120cm).

    Recreational fishers may continue to fish in the above 18 dams/lakes while possessing their limit of one barramundi (whether it is during the closed season or one barramundi >120cm throughout the year), but must not fish anywhere else.

    No tagging of barramundi will be required.

    Closed waters

    Chinchilla Weir
    Reduced closure distances to 200m upstream and 200m downstream.

    Claude Wharton Weir
    Reduced the downstream closure from 200m to 150m.

    Fairmount Weir
    Introduced an upstream closure of 50m and a downstream closure of 200m.

    Hinze Dam
    Introduced a downstream closure of 400m.

    Luscombe Weir
    Introduced a downstream closure of 120m.

    Lake MacDonald
    Introduced a downstream closure from the dam wall of 100m.

    Old Mt Crosby Weir
    Introduced a downstream closure of 50m.

    Ned Churchward (Walla) Weir
    Introduced an upstream closure of 50m and a downstream closure of 200m.

    Wivenhoe Dam
    Introduced a downstream closure of 600m.

    Stocked Impoundment Permits

    Glenlyon Dam, Cressbrook Dam, Cooby Dam and Callide Dam have been added to the list of dams where a fisher is required to hold a Stocked Impoundment Permit. A permit is now required for 29 dams throughout Queensland.

    Fishing gear

    Dilly mesh size
    Introduced a requirement that mesh size be 25mm or less.

    Round traps
    Introduced a specification for round traps: no greater than 70cm diameter or 50cm height, no more than 4 entrances, each entrance no more than 10cm in any dimension. If the mesh is not made of rigid material it must be 25mm or less.

    Review provisions for the plan
    Amended minor review period from every 2 years to ‘when considered appropriate’.

    Other proposals

    Khaki bream
    Listed khaki bream separately to sooty grunter.

    Khaki bream may now be released into privately owned waters in the following river basins: Daintree, Barron, Russell, Mulgrave, North Johnstone, South Johnstone, Tully and Murray.

    Sooty grunter
    Removed Daintree and Plane river basins from listing of river basins where sooty grunter may be released into privately owned waters.

  3. #3

    Re: New freshwater rules - it's official

    Great to see Glenlyon, Cressbrook and Cooby added to SIP scheme for us Downs fisherman. At last we only need the one permit.

    Re the Chinchilla Weir change - way things are going up here won't be any water 200m upstream of weir.
    Catch you on the water

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