What else can I say except Thanks very much Scales
What else can I say except Thanks very much Scales
Maybe the nickname could be birdie, for bird nests, sound like a eagle nested in your reel while you weren't looking.
tono had the same issue with a huge birdnest after he sunk three trebles into the side of my heaqd out barra fishing, what mess it made of his line, it was my only payback for having my hat stuck to my head with fishing hooks, didn't hurt as much as I thought it would when the hooks came out, god bless the pliers...
Jewmaster,Thanks for that answer as that is now 2 people that I know have had to use pliers to get hooks out .The other person had a hook stuck in his finger but didn't take it out he had to go to the hospital no guts no glory.
I heard that someone is going to teach dumbs dumbs how to cast these overheads properly so I will be the first person to put my name down as I don't want to go through all that s@*!t again.
Reguards to all for Xmas
Hi All
Well needless to say Skales has said it all excpet for the fact that yes it is a new motor and the fact that the choke is down on the motor not the bloody throttle as I'm use to and yes people I feel like a dummy I tried every thing looked every where but it did not even think to look if the choke was on the throttle or the motor but it also took skales a while to work out what was wrong but not as long as it would have taken me
So once agian thanks Skales for the help it was very much Appreciated and in the embarassing way that I had to find out how to work this motor now I can go and enjoy some good Quality Fishing time with a motor I can Trust![]()
now for my turn to take the Sh*! but there agian if you give it you have to take it too![]()
So a very big Thanks to Skales for his help now let the Sh*! begin
Alisa D!!kH**D, dum-dum, Brain-Dead(as my step-son is calling me)![]()
But you get that
Cheers to all and have a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to all
WombatI take it he is talking about me, when i had a treble in my joint in the thumb, he hasnt told the whole story hey denis, what about the bloke who fainted when i gave him the pliers to pull it out and his dog run off, so i had to go catch a dog, then i had to drive 5 klms to the nearest surgery, and they rushed me in over all the othersother person had a hook stuck in his finger but didn't take it out he had to go to the hospital no guts no glory, the first doc couldnt handle it, and the 2nd one didnt know what to do, so i said here cut the hook n take it out..no they couldnt do that, had to give me and injection (faint) then cut it out..after 2 hours i finally got it out..geez if you are going to tell a story at least tell the truth..cant stand bullshit
Jaybee,If you read it properly you will realise i did not put up any names so you have done the right thing and admitted to it,could not remember the whole story but at least we all know it now.
Reguards Wombat 45.![]()
Congratulations Steve most of us knew what a great person you were but you didn't have to put yourself down so far as calling yourself a Dick-Head even experts make mistakes no one is perfect barring myself.
; D![]()
Regards Wombat.
Cheers Wombat.