Hi ya all
Im thinking about trying peir fishing, does anyone know of a good berley for this type of fishing.
And also, what type of fish am I likely to catch, my 8 y.o son will be happy to catch anything.
Hi ya all
Im thinking about trying peir fishing, does anyone know of a good berley for this type of fishing.
And also, what type of fish am I likely to catch, my 8 y.o son will be happy to catch anything.
Fisho, unless mistaken i dont think you's get very big runs down there??.
few options for ya for off the jetties starting with gettin a spud and just scrapin (flaking) it with a knife and the flakes fall and disperse through the water. This should attract yakkas and whatever is about up about the surface. Pollard(wet) and thrown out is anothery.
Or you can go the hog and get some layin pellets and mix chopped or minced Pillies through it ( your older Pilles which have softenend up some)
and maybe a dash of Tuna oil .
have the mixture wet but not too wet, just so you can roll it into firm ball in the palm of your hands .
Then just chuck over the side or if you arent too high up off the jetty better still to just submerse the ball of berly under the water and let go to slowly sink to the bottom where it should disperse slow like.
Give the above a go and see what happens .
Another option for you would be to mix a couple of tins of catfood (homebrand pilchards in aspic is a good one ) with a couple of bags of oats and a bit of water. Roll into small balls and drop into the water.
I have used this recipe quite a lot and have had good results.
P.S If you want to you can add some tuna oil to the mix that works well too.
i find the best berley is chicken pellets with tuna oil then i let it sit for a while then i add the pillie cubes and sometimes a spoonful of vegimite (yep it works)and usually just any left over bait scraps.
This time of year is good for the berley situation around my joint. I get all the rellos to keep any prawn shells from the xmas do's.
They then go in a blender (don't tell the missus) with stale bread and a dash of tuna oil. When fishing deep holes with it I add a few good handfuls of sand to give it some weight and get it to the bottom. Fishing of a jetty with it I would suggest doing the same.
This berley used with fresh prawns or live bait is excellent. Have caught many good bream and whiting with it.
I made a really good berley over xmas, but it's a tad expensive to make all the time.
6 stubbies of Gold
500gms of peanuts
7/8 of a bottle of Scotch
a nasty Port or 3
and, believe it or not, diced carrots !
must have been a bad ice cube ???
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Hi lucky phil
I think the diced carrots would have been the problem (not so smooth on the return trip)
I got one of them mincers (hand wind ones) from the asian imporium (sp?). Any ways I put pillies, prawns, any old bait, left over fish bits and chicken pellets through it (it takes the lot just need to dice it).
Then pack the mince in to one of those 600ml iced coffee cartons add some tuna oil to it and freeze. I have a bit of that polly pipe in the large size. Its got some holes in it, I simply attach this some where so its hanging in the water and drop one of the bricks in there. Gets em in from all over