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Thread: More Mongrels up the Pine way.

  1. #1

    More Mongrels up the Pine way.

    A mate set 8 pots up Hays Inlet on Saturday evening only to arrive Sunday to find 5 had been stolen and the remaining 3 had been "checked" for him. The five that went were the round collapsable (doesn't look right) type, a bit easier to conseal I guess. They didn't just float away as the cut ropes and floates were in the mangroves nearby.
    Whats a person got to do to get a feed for his family around here?


  2. #2

    Re: More Mongrels up the Pine way.

    I dont suggest people try this, but we felt better after it
    do what a mate & I did once when our pots kept getting checked by some body else, lately down the pin way. during the day, we set up the sting and put some cylum(spelt) lites in the pots. Then we found a nice hide away and waited for nite.
    sure enough along came a canoe and it is amazing how bright those lites are at nite. subsquently the canoe hit something and got a reasonable hole. did not seem to have a problem since

  3. #3

    Re: More Mongrels up the Pine way.

    About a week ago I was down at the Logan River and I caught a bloke lifting one of my pots in broad daylight when I was only a hundred meters away.

    When I went over to abuse him his excuse was he thought it was his and dropped it back in the water and took off flat out.

    Considering my flotes have my name on it in big wrighting I found it hard to beleive him. But unfortunitly I think the only way to protect your pots is to sit their with them or sink them without a float.

  4. #4

    Re: More Mongrels up the Pine way.

    I've heard that if you catch them in the act and get it on film or video you can have them prosecuted for stealing. I'd like to see the Fisheries Dept. do a big sting on a weekend. Just focus on pot theives and raiders. They could set pots around the place and watch from a distance. At the rate it has been happening I don't think it would take long to get someone. I also believe the Fisheries Dept. are severely undermanned and underfunded. I wish I could say that I have been inspected every time I go out but I haven't been looked at for years.

    Cheers, Clutter.

  5. #5

    Re: More Mongrels up the Pine way.

    Well guys its not only up your way. It happens down here as well . But i will say 1 thing and that is that the N.S.W fisheries are on to that sort off thing in a big way all you have to do down here is go see them and tell them whats going on and they will do somthing about it . You get a better feeling if they have to pay a big fine . Than if you catch them your self

    cheers spinna

  6. #6

    Re: More Mongrels up the Pine way.

    What Can I say ??? ???


    Well done MICHAELG How did the Canoe get a hole in it ??? Anything to do with lead & Gun-powder

    Maybe we need to organize ourelves into 'Crabbing Groups' before going out on the water. We can take turns at watching over the pots, cars etc, or even get a group of us together and perform a major sting !!
    S&%T, I'm starting to sound like a VIGILANTE

    Just had a story told to me about a guy catching 3 blokes checking his pots down Jacob's Well way. He took them on and smashed one of them out with an Oar - Go You Good Thing


  7. #7

    Re: More Mongrels up the Pine way.

    I heard that the fisheries set up a sting up north a while ago due to increased complaints about theft of crabs and pots.

    From what I was told they put a few crabs in some pots that had a micro chip inserted into them, similar to the micro chips they put in animals to track them. These chips can not be detected from just looking at the crab but once they wave a scanner over it they can read the chip and get the serial number. They simply then sit back and wait for people to come in and scan all the crabs. If any have one of their chips in them they then take action.

    Maybe Fisheries down here can do a similar thing to crabs and pots.

  8. #8

    Re: More Mongrels up the Pine way.

    Hi Craig

    Nothing to flash, just the axe handle we had with us to shoo the mossies away fell on it.As I said earlier, it is not for everbody
    But we were getting desperate.
    You suggest a great idea about keeping a watch on each others pots. the only problem maybe some people may not like sharing their spot X locations. If it means my pots are safe so be it.
    I will have to find out about that story at Jacobs Well, I know a few people there

  9. #9

    Re: More Mongrels up the Pine way.

    It's all true about the NQ Crab sting. QB&FP nailed a few of our light fingered brothers. Look out you scum in the South East, Big Brother gona getcha bad real soon

    Well done again MICHAELG, great to hear us good guy's are having a win !!

    I honestly think this Crabing group Idea has got some merit. We would have to take it in turns to 'visit' each persons fav location. You could have a couple of guys watching over the vehicles, while a couple others were out on the water watching pots. If the groups were bigger enough then you could even take turns going home !!! We could all be connected by mobile phones if trouble broke out in any particular area.
    Chat Board members and associates only so if you thiev crabs from fellow players it will be splashed all over the Boards

    What do you other Crabbers think ?
    Is it a bad Idea and I should forget it ?


  10. #10

    Re: More Mongrels up the Pine way.


    I have this number of a guy who can help with your problem mate

    Some people get fixated with alcohol, drugs, the next door neighbour's wife. I myself have this thing for Kylie Minogue . it's the little shorts!

    You on the other hand seem to have this thing for mesh, steel and rotten fish frames. Don't get me wrong here - I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with your fetish - it's just that it's - well - a little bit out of the ordinary. Maybe we should explore your childhood.

    Having said that I'd be interested in sharing your desire with you on a night or two. I've got 6 pots under the house that go in the water once a year and could do a with a good saltwater rinse.

    You name the date and time and I'll bring the warm clothes, rid, mobile phone and axe handle for the wayward types.


  11. #11

    Re: More Mongrels up the Pine way.

    Craig & Bugman

    You can count me in too, for a group therapy session.
    I have never tried the Pine river


  12. #12

    Re: More Mongrels up the Pine way.

    Bugman, your messing with my mind, your convincing me that I'm some sort of a Mutant Crab Thingy Freak ??? It could be something from my childhood, all the other kids in the street would receive footballs and Cricket Sets for Christmas while all I wanted was a roll of 'Chicken Wire' and a pair of Plyers . On my eighth Birthday I got half a dozen torn 'Dillies' and a roll of 6mm nylon twine, I was so happy
    It has been so hard to put those difficult times behind me but I'm trying.
    On a serious note, Kylie Minogue does it for me too , she just gets sexier with age and those softdrink commercials she does are just awesome.

    Michael and Brett, how about we do this Crab thing soon while there is still a bit of fresh around. How about this Friday or Saturday night ?


  13. #13

    Re: More Mongrels up the Pine way.

    Yeah I'm up for it ASAP but I'm out Friday night - Leanne has some plans for me for Valentines.

    How long do you go out for. How about Thursday night - with a quick sleep before work?

    If not Sat night is more than likely fine.


  14. #14

    Re: More Mongrels up the Pine way.

    Ive been eating crabs this week 8) since this forum is fishing based I don't say much about that, 2 nights ago I camped in the boat with the insects down the pin, got 6 keeper bucks not a rattler among them All caught in home made pots, they weigh 8 kilos each and I havn't had one stolen in 3 years, tides were a bit small, made getting around the banks in the dark a little slow.


  15. #15

    Re: More Mongrels up the Pine way.

    How about Saturday night ?

    We could head out just on dark and go right through till the mid morning high tide on Sunday (about 10.00am). Naturally this is only a suggestion. The ammount of time we stay out there is flexible.

    Not sure which location to hit at this stage ? I scored some nice Muddies around the mouth of the Brisbane river last weekend, but as the fresh clears up the Crabs may move back up the river and creeks ? We can try here again if you like ?
    Michael and Mackmauler, where do you guy's suggest ?
    I had a few reports from the north side including the Pine River and Nundah Creek which yielded poor results.
    From what I hear the Logan River gets a flogging so it may not be worth the effort ?

    Any other locations worth a mention ?


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