Fishing became a very low priority on my latest trip, it all started ok, we made it to pt clinton by lunchtime saturday.
Set up camp in the corner of the bay at round island, quickly hooked up gts in the rip out the front, pink poppers were never seen again.
It rained on and off the first day and steadily increased, as did the wind, within 24hrs we had up to 40knots in the gusts, the sheltered anchorage had breakers rolling onto it.
By tuesday morning we had to do something fast, we were very wet and coldwe couldn't get radio coverage in the spot we were at so we had to get the boat out further, this went well considering the waves were frightning and coastguard somehow heard us over the wind.
They were on the ball and had all the answers, saved our butts in the end, Keppel sands it was.
We headed back to camp to break it, not without drama, loading gear into any boat in surf is not easy, I got thrown out once when a wave came over, luckily the boat didn't land on me.
It was a long trip upstream in belting wind and spray, could hardly see at one stage, it took at least an hour at planing speed to get to the army ramp, where coastguard would meet us with the trailer, it was quiet sheltered there and the rain eased off to make fishing a priority again, didn't do any good though.