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Thread: war

  1. #1


    With the yanks bombing the crap out
    of Saddam and accurate
    are our gps units going to be...
    have they altered the accuracy, so
    that the Iraqies cant access accurate
    gps marks for their scud missiles etc?

  2. #2

    Re: war

    Hi Predator.

    Have a look at

    If that report is accurate then it seems that global changes are not likely at this time.

  3. #3

    Re: war

    NO, it's business as usual but based on real data coming out of the Gulf region today (compared to the last 2 weeks) I could convince myself that the accuracy has actually improved "considerably" in that region and for some obvious reasons this improved scenario is quite likely.

    Cheers, Kerry.

  4. #4

    Re: war

    hi all
    tried out the hand held garmin yesterday in the back yard and no the clothes line hasn,t moved and this was punched in over a year ago
    i would agree with Kerry i think its got more accurate

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