The following links are to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authorities proposals on the reefs new Closures and Restrictions.
I urge all who fish, snorkel, dive, photgraph, walk, swim etc on or near the reefs to have a look and fill out the Submission Form. This can be done online or the maps and other info can be posted to you. These proposed changes will have a huge effect on some people and hopefully a bigger effect on the fishing and reef population.
The submissions are due in by 4th August, so there is plenty of time to study them.
From my point of view, the proposals will have a two fold effect. Firstly it will have a benefitial effect to the reef and fish ecosystems, but secondly, it will concentrate the fisherman, both Rec and Com into smaller areas, putting extra pressures there. Although the GBR is a huge expanse, it is the close reefs that will be hammered.
I note that the Swains Reefs are not restricted to the extent that one might have imagined. Hinchinbrook copes a fair wack though, and I can see Charter operators gettin cranky here.
Down the Southern End around the Bunker Group, about half of the area I used to fish has been restricted, but still leaves lots of options. The Capricorn Group has been dealt a heavy blow, with an almost total restriction.
So folks, have a look, have a think and please fill out the Sub. It IS worth having a say one way or the other. this for Mackay Capricorn Area this is the Townsville Whitsundays area This is the Cairns Cooktown Area This is the far Northern Area
Cheers Phill 8)