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Thread: fish size limits what can u keep

  1. #1

    fish size limits what can u keep

    hi all well the end of the long weekend

    on sat we went in the bay and caught some fish that looked like
    what i would think a finger mark bream and a few bream like fish with stripes going down them , some strippy fish all colours.
    what is the legal size limits on them,we just put them all bak it was ok for me i had a good bream but the boys had nothing ,to bad ,

    checked out the qld gov site but they have no pic on it with what fish it is ,
    i also caught some small strippy mackeral well shit thats what i thought they could have been what size on them .

    be good on the bbq like i normally do fresh sardines on the grill dam nice

  2. #2

    Re: fish size limits what can u keep

    The Moses Perch ( fingermark )have a size limit of 25cms at present and the other fish are called Stripeys or Latjanus Latjauno, no size limit as yet. Very good eating as they are a member of the Perch family.

    Yes a colour photograph beside each fish the DPI describes would be helpful.

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  3. #3

    Re: fish size limits what can u keep

    You've probably caught a Moses Perch which are quite common where you were fishing. Fingermark are more prolific towards the northern parts of Australia. Sometimes confused because of the black marking towards the tail end.
    You should get hold of a fish id book. Not all photos/drawings will look like the fish. Colourations may not be too good but it's more important to look at the fins and the shape rather than colours.

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