I tell you what. I will personally compensate every commercail fisherman who have replaced any fish they have raped from the sea.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The commercial guys say they " harvest " the fish..........BULL, you have to plant to be able to harvest.
Why do these guys expect to be compensated for taking and never giving.... *^%$ me !
Now let's talk about comensating the Rec fishoes for loss of species. Shoot, after all our bag limits have been cut, size limits increased etc etc and we cop it sweet, right on the chin, and do we bellow compensation............give me a break !
The pro's have known for some time ( years ) that these type of restrictions have been coming. These guys are not stupid, plans were in place, to set themselves up for a massive compensation package should the day arrive that they were not able to take as the please................*%#@ 'em.
Cheers Phill