Had a bit of time to kill, so this is why they are all fakes:
1. Fish on right has dark strip running up back and onto head. Fish on left has dark strip running up back and then the head suddenly turns 90 degrees to line up with the RH fish's mouth.
Shadow under anal fin of RH fish, no shadows under heads.
Rope has dark shadow where it touches the concrete, but little or no shadow when it crosses and touches itself.
2. Shadow from cuttlefish goes toward upper left in photo, shadows from cigarette packet, pebbles and bumps on the rock go toward lower left in photo.
3. Shown to be faked from previous posts. Not real good photoshop work around the tail either.
4. The light shining on the ducks and the shadow they cast shows the sun to be to the left. Shadow from dorsal fin of carp shows sun to right. Also the dark patchy bits on the reflection above and over the fish looks to me like he had a bit of trouble getting rid of his reflection from the glass when he took the photo of the carp in a fish tank.
5. Fish shadow going toward lower left of photo, rod shadow going toward upper left of photo. Cigarette packet, practically no shadow.
6. Shadow of watering can going toward bottom left of photo, shadow from back right hand leg of crab going toward bottom right of photo. Other shadows from legs going various directions.
Also crab back is dry yet ground is wet, why? I'm sure it is easier to make indistinct shadows on a wet shiny surface than it is to do a sharply defined shadow of a crab that we would expect to see on a flat, dry surface.
To all those guys that thought they were real, I am selling shares in the sydney harbour bridge and will be sending you a pm detailing how you have been chosen as the lucky few who are able to buy shares from me for only $10,000 .... blah blah blah.
I also have a few left handed screwdrivers at the bargain price of $100 ea and, JUST ARRIVED - packets of grinding sparks $50 ea - get them while they're HOT!