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Thread: Dive Boat goes over on Tweed Bar!

  1. #16
    Ausfish Silver Member Remo's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    Re: Dive Boat goes over on Tweed Bar!

    Does that mean that there is cheap gear going on the bottom of the bar.

    I Know bad Joke

  2. #17

    Re: Dive Boat goes over on Tweed Bar!

    i heard the dudes accent on the telly- sounded like a chicken runner kaffer boy!(sooth afrikkaaner! maybe a zimbo').
    cyclones around in summer with such huge lows all over the continent , i give up on the december early january period not just because of the hazzards of crossing a bar(albeit pretty dumb! considering the swell-over 2+sloppy as fook!- and depth of the bar mouth,however the tide was all right it is the neaps of moon, its just she was cracking the entire lenght of the bar mouth, its a no win sitch'o' for going outward! coming in is a easier deal, say if you had got caught going from port to port!). i'd hafter say the mans'/womens'/master' is a fool! but for the "in the know" crowd- people such as myself' haha!- you'd be putting money on a good late summer/early autumn weather and good fish as well! you just wait till you see the size of the spotties(yeap mackerel, mackeral and more mackeral!) come march jeffo! same as last year is my synopsis weather wise with good seas and wind come feb',march and april.
    all this stuff is great to show up how a "local industry" is best off in local hands-got to do your hours first! vote with your dollars and support your local small bussiness, even if it costs you a little more in the long run your better off!

  3. #18

    Re: Dive Boat goes over on Tweed Bar!

    Damo can you please explain what you just said, I can't make head nor tail of it.

  4. #19

    Re: Dive Boat goes over on Tweed Bar!

    Hey Heath! Remember last week coming through currumbin bar how that zodiac was loaded to silly levels and I said in my usual humorous way 'Come on guys you can squeeze a few more people on there, there's nobody sitting on the motor yet!"?

    Greed + ocean = disaster

    thank god they weren't fishos though!

  5. #20

    Re: Dive Boat goes over on Tweed Bar!

    Quote Originally Posted by mackmauler
    Heath, the rescue boats included some that looked well under 4m ??? the skippers version was they had an engine failure as they were checking conditions, its up to the skipper to make the call, some of us make it better than others, isnt that right Heath? after you have seriously injured a crew member on your boat who are you to take the hollier than thou attitude? we can all sit back and hypothosise till the cows come home, no i dont think crossing was a good idea and havnt been fishn for 2 weeks like anyone else around here!
    Too right I injured a crew member on my boat crossing Tweed and it was in much better condition than yesterday so I think I am justified in saying that ANYONE trying to cross Tweed yesterday was putting themselves and crew in danger. I certainly didn't get swamped, or put anyone into the water my incident involved the landing off a large wave, well clear of the bar in which my uncle ended up with an injured back. Mackmauler, you obviously saw the news footage yesterday, so you would have duley noted that the interviews with the passangers, that they all said they were going out.The interview with the VMR said that they were going out. You would have also noticed that there were twin engines on the boat as well. With the interview with the skipper you would have also no doubt noticed that he said one of the engines cut out, that still leaves one donk, to power the craft, and one would not have to have got that close to the danger zone to see that it was dangerous.

    Now thanks for throwing my bar incident back into my face, I would like to repay the favour.

    Mackmauler, you said
    doesnt look to bad Heath, those big rubber ducks, if thats what it was, can handle just about anything, been out in worse
    Then you said
    Not kidding, from the perspective of being behind the wheel of a 7m zodiac or similar id be very confident of crossing without a problem, wouldnt of put 12 pob though!
    And then you said
    no i dont think crossing was a good idea
    So, which one is it??? Seems you may have changed your tune somewhat.

    I can kind of see your point though, the bar wasn't too bad, after all there were surfers there to assist some of the passengers in the drink, along with those 4m rubber duckies, HEY!

    Now all we need is for someone to let off Flares at a Birthday or New years party & get the VMR out on a wild goose chase...... anyone???

    Gold Coast

  6. #21

    Re: Dive Boat goes over on Tweed Bar!

    Quote Originally Posted by charleville
    Heath wrote...

    "Have a look at the pressure waves inside the bar!"

    What do you mean by pressure waves, please?
    Pressure waves, are waves that buildup due to the amount of water trying to pass over a shallow bottom. In the Tweed, the bottom shallows rapidly just inside the bar, what happens is that on an outgoing tide that water volume and speed that it is moving is that great that the water has no where to go except up, and this is a pressure wave.
    Unlike normal swell waves, pressure waves can pop up anytime, so you could be motoring along & suddenly there will be a standing wave in front of you. The waves are also hollow, they vertually have no face when breaking & they have very acute backs, so comming off one, usually means a vertical drop off the other side.
    Gold Coast

  7. #22
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Re: Dive Boat goes over on Tweed Bar!


    Don't know if you were having a go at me about the flares getting let off at a New Year's Eve party based on my post yesterday. If you were I would just like to clarify that we were not letting off the flares and the reference to them being spectacular was supposed to be tounge in cheek. We pointed out to a few people what a bad idea it was to let them off and how they wouldn't think it was so funny if they were in trouble a few miles off the beach, trying to attract attention.


  8. #23

    Re: Dive Boat goes over on Tweed Bar!


    Absolutly nothing to do with your post mate.

    I also agree that letting flares off, in anything other than emergency situations is a very bad idea.
    Gold Coast

  9. #24

    Re: Dive Boat goes over on Tweed Bar!

    heath... no offence mate but if you have had an accident in your own boat crossing a bar who are you to bad mouth someone else for having one? you have had an incident in your boat and i am sure you have learnt from your mistakes and are wiser when crossing bars nowa days. maybe this is what this skipper needed to make him become a wiser person. i dont think you really have the right to judge this bloke the way you have. the skipper of the zodiac may have crossed tweed bar (and many other bars for that matter) a thousand times in similar conditions but we only hear about the one time that things turned sour.

  10. #25

    Re: Dive Boat goes over on Tweed Bar!

    "please explain?"
    ok i'll see how this goes then! tell me if you copy "reel hard"!
    1. i said the skipper of the dive charter vessel is a south african or at lest some foriegner as i heard him speak and he was no aussie by accent!
    2. i said that the conditions there were a definite no go joe!
    3. i said that there sould be a good spotty run late season off the sunny coast with big spots around!
    4. i made a forecast for the next couple of months coming up being good for offshore fishing and that this year would be very simular to last years summer season weather wise- do you remember last year "reel hard?"
    5. i said that it is wise to support local small bussiness-ones that are owned and operated by "locals" not foriegners! and that understanding comes with experience. you got to do your hours boys'
    "the sage Damo' " over and out!

  11. #26

    Re: Dive Boat goes over on Tweed Bar!

    Quote Originally Posted by Heath

    Mackmauler, you said

    Then you said

    And then you said

    So, which one is it???
    (D) all of the above


  12. #27
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: Dive Boat goes over on Tweed Bar! lost me...what does the nationality of the skipper of the boat or the nationality of the employee of a business have to do with anything?

    No one here knows what the experience of the in how many times he has crossed the bar is...I fail to see what nationality has to do with it at all. Plus...does it really matter?

    If that boat had crossed the bar safely and returned safely, all the passengers would have said what a great day they had. Unfortunately, accidents happen in all commercial ventures...I would much prefer to wait until the relevant authorities have completed their investigations and made the results known.

  13. #28

    Re: Dive Boat goes over on Tweed Bar!

    bite bite bite!- so your from melvain! opps i mean malvern! or worse you might be a pommie!

  14. #29
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: Dive Boat goes over on Tweed Bar!

    My dad worked in the silver town of BH and made Aus the country it is now, so there!!!!!!

  15. #30

    Re: Dive Boat goes over on Tweed Bar!


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