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Thread: Availability of regs brochures

  1. #1

    Availability of regs brochures

    It seems like the DPI are having trouble keeping up the supply of brochures to tackle shops and other outlets. We initialy asked to be put on the mailing list for the new regs brochures about 4 weeks before the new regs were introduced, but had still not recieved them until in a desperate panic about one week before they came into play and another phone call. We explained that we were about to have approx 2000 plus visitors coming into our area for the christmas holidays, none of which new the new regs. They told us then that the brochures were in short supply but that they would send as many as possible. We initialy recieved approx 150 brochures. The day before they were introduced, 2 fisheries officers called into the shop and we managed to get about another 50 or so from them. As you can imagine these lasted all of a couple of days and we were then unable to give any to the huge influx of visitors. Many of these visitors are from interstate and a very high percentage didnt even know that there were new rules let alone what they were. We have rang and asked for more pamphlets and were told that they have nearly run out and they can only send us a few more, no where near what is required to let all these people know what the new rules involve. Are these rules a secret or something? How on earth do they expect people to abide by the new rules if they dont know what they are, or is this a ploy to raise funds for the fisheries? It has been stated that there will be no leniency period, so whats the story. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER FISHERIES and realize the huge numbers of people that fish. There is obviously a huge difference between what the powers that be seem to think go fishing, and the numbers that actually do go fishing! Is there some way that a truely realistic survey could be done to show just how many people do go fishing? Any ideas?


  2. #2

    Re: Availability of regs brochures

    There are errors in the current brochure.
    I expect a new print run with the errors fixed to be out before the end of January.

    Better late than never...!

    Dave ><>

  3. #3

    Re: Availability of regs brochures

    I hope that means that they are not going to prosecute my customers till the end of january too! but I dare say that is not the case. > > > ???

    Missed your show this morning Nugget but how did it go mate?
    Regards Tony

  4. #4

    Re: Availability of regs brochures

    I'm convinced (have had professional advice) that they would not get a conviction if you had a copy of the current brochure in your possession and referred to it if pulled over.
    Unless of cause, you demonstrated a knowledge of the errors.

    There has also been comment about millimetres of variation in the DPI supplied crab measuring stick - same story.
    No judge would uphold a conviction if you produced the measurer and the crab was legal going by it.

    Show went great - shame about our weather though.

    Dave ><>

  5. #5

    Re: Availability of regs brochures

    Gday Nugget
    Mate my beef is the fact that we cant give people any sort of brochure, correct or not. The visiting once a year fishos have no idea what any of the regs are. Heaps of people are here now and fishing, with no info whatsoever. Fisheries are going to prosecute them, but they cannot keep the brochures up to let them know the rules.

    Cheers Tony

  6. #6
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Re: Availability of regs brochures

    If need be why not photocopy a brochure, get a print out off the internet and photocopy that or you could make your own.

    There a few other ways to get the info to your customers.

  7. #7

    Re: Availability of regs brochures

    Quote Originally Posted by thargor
    If need be why not photocopy a brochure, get a print out off the internet and photocopy that or you could make your own.

    There a few other ways to get the info to your customers.
    Why should the public be responsible for proof reading, highlighting problems and distributing info on behalf of the authority that changed the regulations? ???

    They (the authority) knew the regulation change was coming before the public, the regulations are the only things that are enforceable, yet they were not competant enough to revise and prepare for distribution, the two main means of advising those changes to the public. (which i am sure they are obliged to do by law, before they are able to enforce the new laws).

    I hear where you are coming from Thargor, but if Agnes Jack had down loaded the info from the DPI website (that was wrong) or photo copied the brochure (which was wrong) (refer Nugget's radio show last weekend), who do you think those cutomers would blame if they got nailed for doing something wrong from the misinformation distributed publically by the DPI?

    For my money, those that came up with the new bright ideas, should be at least competant enough to pass those new bright ideas onto the public. A web site and a brochure have to be the two most easiest and cheapest ways for the DPI (or fisheries department, or whomever was responsible) to fulfill their legal commitment to distribute the changes in the regulations to the public, yet they couldn't even do that right.

    Anyway, just my 2 bobs worth. I'll get off my soapbox now.


  8. #8

    Re: Availability of regs brochures

    My sentiments exactly Jeff.
    Surely I dont have to pay for the printing of 2 or 3 thousand copies, (that are an odd size) at a rate of about 15 cents per copy, when I am already spending what adds up to hours of my time explaining, clarifying and discussing thier new rules?

    Tony ??? > > >

  9. #9

    Re: Availability of regs brochures

    Problem solved

    Thanks to gary and nugget
    Have recieved 2 big loads of brochures in 2 days!
    So they were available?

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