Pilchards can be very inconsistent at the best of times, sometimes theryre big, sometimes theyre small. The best way to buy pilchard is in the boxes (or 1kg bag) of IQF (Individually Quick Frozen) Not Blocks, as you probably already know. IQF pilchard show there quality very cleary, size is however another matter. First of all, they shouldnt be stuck together, as this is an indication that they have thawed in transit to your tackle shop and then refrozen - NOT GOOD. Secondly, look at there skin. If it is patchy with bits of skin missing from the individual fishthis is another indication of being thawed and refrozen, and of poor handling practises. Smell is usually a good indication of this. You also want your fish to be straight and not bent.
Blocks of pillies just dont cut it if you are after quality and finnicky fish.
Now to your Question, where to buy good quality pillies on the northside of Brisbane???? DEFINATELY NOT AMART #########. Amart have a rather lucrative deal with an international importer/exporter, and all their pilchards are not in fact Australian products. They are bad for economy, bad for our fish and generally bad quality anyway. They have the potential to introduce disease to our pillies and are probably the reason for the major WA pilchard epedemic a couple of years back when all our wa pillies died of a mystery disease.
Try Jones's Tackle on Lutwyche Road Lutwyche, I am sure they would stock a quality product and i am sure they would be happy to open a box of IQF for you to inspect the quality.