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Tackle and Tinnie report
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Thread: Tackle and Tinnie report

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cheech's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Tackle and Tinnie report

    All the usual stalls as you would expect, covering all the normal manufacturers. Still I expected that. Looked forward to it actually. Looking at boats sure beats being at work.

    What I particularly go to the show for is to sit down and learn from the presentations. Started with Nugget and cast netting. Being into salt water I missed the next and went to shallow reef fishing by Bill Corten. Followed up by Nugget again on Jumpinpin Jew, and then jason Comino on Morton Bay Tuna. Although not everything was my direct interest, I picked up valuable info from everyone. Even if you only pick up one helpful hint, it is worth while.

    Actually have to give special mention to Nugget and Jason Comino. Nugget spent a good bit of time after he had finished to answer a few of my specific questions, and made me feel like he was very happy to do so. Nice to know first hand that he really is a good bloke. And then Jason as he spent a long time with me takling about gear, locations, technique etc, and again, all freely given.

    My advice would be to go and learn and not to be afraid to front up to people if you have any questions. They are very happy to help. This is the real value of these shows I think.

    Don't just go there expecting to be dazzled by new. There is not much more than what you woud get at a locak tackle store. Just in a big (very big) way. Make the most of the experts to improve your skills.



  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cheech's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Tackle and Tinnie report

    Shouldn't come accross so bias to salt water. Fitzy also had a big following on fresh water issues. Probably only second to Nugget.

  3. #3

    Re: Tackle and Tinnie report

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheech
    Shouldn't come accross so bias to salt water. Fitzy also had a big following on fresh water issues. Probably only second to Nugget.
    Thanks Cheech,
    I was starting to feel left out there for a while.

    Was great to meet several of the Ausfish crew there! Always a pleasure & thanks for the support.

    Other presenters were great. Nugget, Jason Com, Bill Corten, Trevor Saunders,,,,,. Checch did you catch the CSIRO guy talking about the life cycles of pleagics? I missed it but would have been interesting I recon.


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  4. #4

    Re: Tackle and Tinnie report

    Ill have to come to the next boat show and see what all this yahooing is about


  5. #5

    Re: Tackle and Tinnie report

    I think you are right Cheech, even if you gain ONE piece of information that you can put to use in some way, it is worth the $10 entry.

    I , for one, don't attend these shows to buy tackle & toys. I attend to meet ppl I haven't seen since last time, chat to stall holders and generally catch up on the ' fishing guff '.

    Did I mention having a XXXX or 2 ?

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  6. #6

    Re: Tackle and Tinnie report

    wasnt a bad show... not enough tackle and new gadgets for my liking... was good to meet a few more fellow ausfishers... ray, craigie,tim and greg.

  7. #7

    Re: Tackle and Tinnie report

    Have attended once on Friday and concur with Cheech on the presentations. Fitzys was particularly interesting....but thats the only one I saw. (It`s great having a guy as experienced as Garry to have as a fishing buddy!! )

    Rest of the show is as usuall, packed full of big boys toys

    I am still amazed that you have to pay 10 bucks to get into a tackle store!!! However, I will be paying my $10 tomorow to gain entry to the "big tackle shop".


  8. #8

    Re: Tackle and Tinnie report

    Saw webbys show at lunch, gave me a better understanding of why a few of you guys like the down riggers so much.

  9. #9

    Re: Tackle and Tinnie report

    where you you sitting bungie?

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Re: Tackle and Tinnie report

    hi will be at the show tomorro will be wareing my ausfish cap if i havnt met you b4 just tap me on the shoulder and say hi always keen to meet more ausfishers

    cheers gary

  11. #11

    Re: Tackle and Tinnie report

    I well and truly got my $10 worth today when I went.

    Watched some great lectures by Webby and Nugget plus some bits and pieces of the others. Wish I had stayed the time to see the entire fish filleting lecture. Both Webby's and Nugget's were great! As a mug learner, I learnt so much from each of them and took lots of notes. Thanks to both guys.

    Also bought a new Live Fibre 10' 6'' Champion Trophy model and an Adaptacap which was $10 cheaper there than the one I bought at the Tackle Warehouse a few months ago. There was a bit of variation in the prices at the show. I found the Sundown Marine tackle shop there to be cheaper on both items than any of the other sellers at the show.

    I came home feeling really good after the afternoon's outing. The lectures are really good.

    Am surprised that there is not someone there selling digital cameras. I reckon that they would make a killing.

  12. #12

    Re: Tackle and Tinnie report

    Almost center stage, up the back/top ... think there was a few ausfish members down to my right.

  13. #13

    Re: Tackle and Tinnie report

    I was their at nugets talk on surf fishing
    I sat up the back so i didnt get picked on like filthy phill did.
    His new rig blew my mind.
    It realy gave me something to think about.
    stealth fish made sense the way he said it and live baitng the surf is something i'm going to get more into.


  14. #14

    Re: Tackle and Tinnie report

    bungie- those ausfish members were me, phil, searaider,reefmaster,team mongo and billo.... shoulda come and said g'day.

  15. #15

    Re: Tackle and Tinnie report

    gday all
    went for few hours more then i should have and saw webby and Nugget do there stuff which was good to watch. I had good company of fellow Ausfish members and meet some i hadnt before. Webby did really good for his first time and even threw a good laugh in by saying a little swear word in there. It was a good one for the kids but it had a few of us in tears laughing Contrats on a good show Brian and some bloody good pics of some thumper parrot. Also Nugget was giving phill some crap which just made the show. Good work dave. I think you almost had me intrested in doing beach fishing there Dave but it just looks all to hard. . I think after Brian and Dave did there shows that people thought that the old fishing tricks were just not good enough anymore and we have to adapt to new rigs and ideas to match the smarter fish. Good show guys and im sure alot was learnt.

    Cheers Greg The place for wicked fish pics, articles and DVD's. Your ultimate reef fishing DVD "Double Island Point & Beyond" on sale now.

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