The Queensland Seafood Industry Association (QSIA) is urging everyone affected by the Great Barrier Reef green zones extension to attend a public meeting today in Mackay, in the state's north.

A five-member panel will address industry stakeholders ahead of devising a compensation package.

Under the Representative Area Program, 33 per cent of the Great Barrier Reef will be closed to commercial fishing.

QSIA chief executive Duncan Souter says the association has likened its situation to that of the sugar industry.

"Look, it's difficult to put a value on the fishing industry's package at the moment, but certainly we would be expecting a package which is comparable in terms of the things that it includes," he said.

"For example, in the sugar industry package cane farmers are being offered a $100,000 grant to exit the industry.

"Now, we would be expecting a similar thing for fishermen."

Last Update: Thursday, May 6, 2004. 7:53pm (AEST)