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GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh - Page 2
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Thread: GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh

  1. #16

    Re: GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh

    With regards these maps and especially the coordinates it would be interesting to know fisheries policy with respect defining if one is actually inside or outside a boundary in critical circumstances. In other words what is/might their leeway be ??

    The coordinates are fixed as absolute but most positioning devices that users will rely on are not absolute and on some days/times can be a little unreliable, sometimes just a little, other times maybe a lot.

    Cheers, Kerry.

  2. #17

    Re: GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh

    The posts on this topic are (we believe) typical of the types of discussions GBRMPA & their puppet masters are hoping you/we would be having.

    Here is The Fishing Party (Qld) slant.

    We believe that the underlying agenda of the federal government, via the GBRMPA and the variuos state EPA's has a long term plan to "depopularise" recreational fishing, particularly in national park areas. This will be a gradual and generational change and our children and granchildren will just not fish. The confusion and scare campaign tactics employed by GBRMPA and its variuos enforcement agencies with issues like zero tollerance, ignorance is no excuse, very complex maps and zoning plans and fines for fishing much larger than the fines for bank robbery is sympomatic of this agenda.

    They care not for the people whose livlihood depands on "us", they care not for the fat kids who sit in front of the tele instead of being out fishing with their dads and they really don't give a shit about "us" because there really are not many votes in NQ.

    What they have failed to grasp is that depopularising rec fishing, particularly in NQ is like banning surf boards at Bondi or bulldozing the MCG. It is our icon. It is the one recreational institution which binds us. It is cross gender, cross generational and cross demorgrahic. We fish. The tinny, a rod and a crab pot defines a North Queenslander. The Government seeks to remove our identity. We say F^%$K 'em.

    I know this all sounds a bit deep and consiracy theorist but all the facts, all the evidence, points to no other conclusion.

    We stand, we fight and we vote or recreational fishing as we know and love it is over!! Maybe not in our lifetime but most certainly in our kids lifetime.

    The Fishing Party (Qld) was formed so a few of us could get a chance to "vent our spleen" get ignored (as usual) and at least go and have a "good lie down" at least knowing we had, had a go. It is bigger than that now. We are too big, have too many members, supporters and sponsors to let it go and owe it to everyone who is backing us to at least take this to the election and test the waters.

    I Fish & I Vote is finally actually going to mean something....


    Here-in endeth the "venting of the spleen"

    Sorry about that guys. Sometimes I get a bit carried away but the more I read, the more I dig & the more fishos I talk to the more I belive we are getting done over for purely political puposes & we either stand shoulder to shoulder or go down in a screaming heap.

  3. #18

    Re: GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh

    Great speel Kc
    Didn't think I could read it all but I did .
    Do we need Peter Garrett ?? [smiley=guitarist.gif]
    Hold it I won't start somthing I can't finish .
    Send me some more info please.
    I Fish & I Vote is finally actually going to mean something.... I agree
    BladeRunner [smiley=bandana.gif]

  4. #19

    Re: GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh

    Hi Mate,

    I get a bit excite sometimes...but hey!! What's life without a bit of excitement. I know I don't get too much in the cot because I seem to spend every bloody night on the computer answering emails till 2 am. I just got home from work (bit after 10) and I've got 30 emails to answer tonight!!

    Don't know Peter Garret but they recon Angry Anderson might be looking for a job!

    Send me an email to & I will send you whatever you need (then some).



  5. #20
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh

    Great Barrier Reef today - the closure of Fraser Island, Moreton Island to anglers tomorrow? ? ? ? Hell, anything's possible nowadays!
    Good luck K.C.!

  6. #21

    Re: GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh

    KC I'm not sure what you were getting at with the fines, but I think many fishermen would like to see tougher penalties for those who deliberately do the wrong thing

  7. #22

    Re: GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh

    Don't know Peter Garrett band called MIDNIGHT OIL
    What you are burning by the sound of things, he has joined the Beattie party .
    Don't mind Angry Anderson , dose he fish ?
    Thanks I will be in touch
    BladeRunner [smiley=bandana.gif]

  8. #23

    Re: GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh

    There is no differenciation between deliberate and accidental. It is now, in the eyes of the law, far more seriuos to be fishing in the wrong place than it is to drive drunk, bash a little old lady or rob a bank!! This is all part of the process to depopularise the sport of recreational fishing. If you make it hard enough, confusing enough and can scare people into believing it may well cost them their house if they happen to go fishing in the wrong spot....then they will just decide it is not worth the risk and give up. The occassional fishers and the visiting fishers will be the most effected, along with those who don't have a GSP or access to computers.

    Why would GBRMPA print over 1/2 a million maps and then make it very clear on the front of each map, that these are guides only and EVERY INTENDING USER OF THE PARK SHOULD CONSULT THE ZONING PLAN BEFORE ENTERING THE PARK and then only print 6000 copies? If we are all suppossed to read this complicated and pompous monstrocity, should not every map have come with a zoning plan attached".

    This is a seriuosly complicated document. It requires a very high level of navigational skills to interpret.

    By all means let the punishment fit the crime but this is all about depopulariisng the sport. The GBR was first, Frazer and the bay are next. Our kids and grandkids just won't bother...the fishies will be nice and safe and the rabid end of the green movement will have achieved their stated objective.

    If I'm parnoid then so are an awful lot of other people who can see the writting on the wall.

    At the other end of the scale their are some who really can't see the forest for the trees.



  9. #24

    Re: GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh

    KC various state fisheries depaqrtments use these boards to publicise successful convictions. Almost invariably people say that the punishment wasn't harsh enough. Also, surely you agree that someone who goes out of their way to fish illegally for profit should cop more than someone who makes a mistake. This will probably come out in the quantity of fish involved. I know the potential fines seem large, but I can't remember anyone ever saying that some was actually fined too much. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  10. #25

    Re: GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh

    The new laws and new fines are 9 days old! I have not personally heard of any breach notices being handed out yet so we won't know what the courts will do. I have heard that a lot of people are just giving up. I have a letter from a major boat builder in NQ who has not sold a recreational fishing boat in 3 months and has not built and sold a professional trout dory since November last year. Personally I don't believe the intent is to fine people $220,000 for fishing in the wrong spot, the intent is to scare them right out of the sport by making it too hard, too confusing and just not worth the risk...period.

    If you don't believe that get a copy of the zoning plan, have a good read & then work out where you can and can't fish.

    I'm not sure how to attach to this post so I will PM you a page to see if you can figure it. I have a coxwains ticket (which includes qualifications in coastal navigation) & last Tuesday night I showed it to a commercial pilot.

    If we, with some level of experience, found the document totally daunting and almost unreadable what chance people without formal training? We are ALL suppossed to consult and understand the zoning plan before using the park. It says so loud & clear on the front of the maps.

    I am intending myself to take the kids out Monday morning for a bit of a fish & I will not be going out the front. I will hit the river instead. Fishing in the GBR is becoming too risky and not worth the trouble in case you make a mistake. This is what RAP and the propogander about the fines is all about.

    I will PM you a page out of the zoning plan Charles & see if you can honestly understand it or maybe, just maybe, it is all a bit daunting!



  11. #26

    Re: GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh

    If I wanted to go fishing there I would just check the maps. Sure there are some problems that need ironing out. I actually don't have a boat myself and I don't think there are many shore fishing spots locked up. Most occasional fishermen fish from the shore down here, I'm not sure what it's like up there. If I had a boat and was willing to take it way offshore I don't think following the maps would add too much extra hassle (providing you use a GPS)

  12. #27

    Re: GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh

    You have no idea do you, grab a map and check it out yourself jock strap it effects everyone up here you f*!kn turkey >

  13. #28

    Re: GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh

    I don't think there are many shore fishing spots locked up

    Really this is the sort of comment that shows some have absolutely no real idea about these "Reef" zonings as some of them simply don't fit the "reef" image that is portrayed in the warm and fuzzy commercials.

    Some coastal areas have coped a complete wipe out and in no ways fit the "image" of the GBR.

    providing you use a GPS so here's a question if "you use" a GPS.

    Will "using" a GPS with confidence make the effective zoning areas larger of smaller?

    Cheers, Kerry.

  14. #29

    Re: GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh

    I've checked the maps. There's heaps of shore fishing spots. Try doing a rough measure of the % of shore fishing spots locked up. I bet it will be way less than 30%. Obviously if you just look within a coastal green zone you will get 100% coverage.

    Kerry I don't know what the accuracy of a GPS is, but I think they are good to within a meter or so (less than the length of a boat). So that won't make any difference to the effective size of the green zones.

  15. #30

    Re: GBRMPA maps..ya got ta' laugh

    Like the old saying goes Jockey, Time to put up or shut up!!

    You now have a copy of a page from the zoning plan, which I emailed you.

    If you have not actually seen a map I will quote word for word the notation on the front cover of all the maps.


    This map is intended as a guide to zoning only and has no legal effect and is not a substitute for thre zone boundary descritions provided in schedule 1 of the Zoning Plan.
    Users should always refer to the Zoning PLan when intending to use the Marine Park. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority should be contacted for clarification on any matter."

    Now take this as read, have a look at the zoning plan page I sent you and tell me your not confused!!



    And another little aside. Did you know that in theory the rezoning allows spearfishing in Yellow zones but in practise in most major areas the yellow zone spearing rule is now over-ridden by a special plan of management which bans spearfishing in all zones. Jockey...this is one for you!! Your a spearo!! What ya'reckon!!

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