Kids soccer balls are the best catfish bait going - check out the 'take', bobing fish, netting and release.
On this occasion, there was noline attached.
Ha Ha - you gotta love those 'swallyalls'.
Dave ><>
Kids soccer balls are the best catfish bait going - check out the 'take', bobing fish, netting and release.
On this occasion, there was noline attached.
Ha Ha - you gotta love those 'swallyalls'.
Dave ><>
Picture 3 - netting the fish to set it free
Picture 4 - the release
Hey Dave,
I worked out how you did that, and I would say you had that ball covered in Katnip?
hehehe tricky bugga....
Good story and pics mate
thats awesome nice work
cheers, sam
That, my Aussie friends, is what we here in the US call a flathead catfish!
I saw these pics earlier today on my "home field" fishing site. Apparently, it's true!
I usually use night crawlers or small bluegills for bait but I guess I may have to try toy basketballs!Although, it sort of looks like someone pulled a mean trick and shoved that ball into its mouth. If that's the case, Karma is going to get that sucker! If not, boy, that's a dumb fish!
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.-- Mark Twain"
Not my work Les / Sam - Definately not me in the pic.
I saw these pics on a US 4x4 site and thought those here might get a laugh out of them.
We get catfish here E.C. - not sure of that particular strain but they grow big and are just as stupid as this one.
Dave ><>
HaHaHaI C! the best bait for big catfish, I'll try it later HaHaHa
I think there's a game on tonite at Perry Park - grab ya cast-net & come along - I'm goin' to get some live bait !!!!Originally Posted by Mr.Ocean
may need some help with the bycatch though ???.
imagine if the catfish swallowed the whole ball. he would have quite a stomach ache. and i wonder if you could drop him and he would bounce back?
cheers philip
Bring on the Marlin!!!
that is one hungry big catfish
Shows you why we need to watch what goes down the storm water drains.
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I thought kingtin would of been able to give you a good catfish bait !!!![]()
you should see the canals after its rained full of tennis balls and stuff.
Cheers Cloud 9
then it realy gets ughly