If you have a GRIPE about the zones in your area then lets start a special post. Lets call it GBRMP,Take Over. Who's first on the board. [smiley=bandana.gif]
If you have a GRIPE about the zones in your area then lets start a special post. Lets call it GBRMP,Take Over. Who's first on the board. [smiley=bandana.gif]
There's none down here![]()
On the GBR , as I'm not a 'local' , but from 'the' South ,I wouldn't have a clue of recognising any landmarks and distance on water or even a GPS set up with No Fish Zones programmed in or even be able to hire one.
So i'm just probably a tourist criminal, ah well, can't wait for that floating-fence idea to kick-in , or maybe real and adequate signage , to tell me where to go![]()
Originally Posted by Gazza
Know anybody with experience in adequate signage or maybe that should perhaps be "inadequate signage" in not what to do
Cheers, Kerry.
I'd just like to know how GBRMPA intend to fit the parking meters that will be required at Arlington reef & Sudbury reef off Cairns, as these are the only two close reefs off Cairns still in the blue zone. >>
Make something Idiot proof and they make better Idiots
The red circle is approx. area of operation out of Cairns.
The blue ones are the appox. new green and yellow zones. On a good day we will see at least 200 recreational boats sharing the blue and yellow zones with the entire commercial fishing fleet operating out of Cairns, ie trawlers, Mackerel fishers and live Trout and other species fishers. Oh what a web the GBRMPA has weaved.
GBRMPA has deliberatly done this to cause disharmony amongst all fishers in the Cairns region. GBRPMA has bowed to the " GAB's" and the Tourist (AMPTO- the mob who by their own submission dont believe that dumping tonnes of sewage daily onto the GREAT BARRIER REEF waters is a problem...check out my posting elsewhere on this forum ) Industry by making most of the areas that we fish into bloody green zones.
GBRMPA has also put the lives of boat owners and their familys at serious risk doing this as some fishers will be forced to travel further out to sea to get away from the trouble spots ( fishers everywhere) and the weather can turn seriously nasty in a very short time, making the return trip back to port dangerous.
Oh and don't forget TRRAC, interesting self indulgent concept these tourist organisations appear to have in which for some strange reason they think they're little angels and have this somehow strange inert impact on the reef. Don't mind digging up a bit of reef either, especially when it's dead and the only ones who access it is the same insert mob who supposedly don't impact on the reef, what a farce.Originally Posted by baldyhead
You know it's very quaint way some of these shows have in controlling bird population so they don't crap all over there little floating tourist castles, but of course only occurs after all the inert tourists are on their way home.
Cheers, Kerry.
What do you mean by area of operation? Don't people fish much closer to shore there? As far as rec fishers go, won't the two yellow zones make up for a lot of the green zone 'losses' (plus you've got the dreaded spillover effect), especially as the government is 'retiring' a lot of the pros as well?
I wonder if anyone acutally knows how much sunscreen is washed of these tourists bodies each and every day. What impact could that have on the coral? not to mention the amount of times we see tourists stumbling around trying to stand on shallow areas of the reef. GBRMPA would have us believe that this causes no lasting damage to the reef. pppffffff yeh right.
Make something Idiot proof and they make better Idiots
There have been calls from within the tourist industry for studies into the effect of sunscreen. I know they tell people not to use sunscreen in the perched lakes on Fraser Island, as it gets concentrated there.
I've been out on the tourist boats. They tell you not to stand on the coral, and not to even go on the shallow bits in case you bump it. I never saw anyone stand up. You get yelled at just for swimming to far away.
I understand that standing on the reef is discouraged by tour opperators, but I suggest someone have look at places like Green Island, Upolu Cay and Michaelmas Cay just to name a few. Can all tour opperators out there speak 20 odd languages required to explain this to all tourists. I think not.
Make something Idiot proof and they make better Idiots
Green Island is an interesting example hey, which nobody appears to want to tackle, zoned in 1974, off limits to fishing since 1974, yes very tourist orientated and reef is dying, why, yes good question, why but nobody hears much mention about the Green Island doesn't exist dying reef, why? maybe doresn't fit the required PR mould.Originally Posted by megafish71
Cheers, Kerry.
you have reminded me of a movie called Perfect Storm [smiley=worried2.gif]
On ya
baldeRunner [smiley=bandana.gif]
Perhaps they should be forced to spread the impact a bit thinner rather than dumping thousands of tourists in the one little area. It would make it better for the tourists too. Think of how much $$$ the country is losing because all the foreigners think the whole reef is like that.
You picked up a good point Kerry. Green Island has been affectively a green zone since 1974 yet it is going out the door backwards due to the very things that GBRMPA tell us are minimal impacts..ie tourism visitations and their asociated impacts. The big ticket issue on green was sewage...and lots of it. The Island management/owners also tried to change the nature of a coral atol, which is to regularly move. It placed a large rock/sandbag wall near the head of the jetty (didn't work, the restautant still fell ino the water). The other end of the island then started to shift and all the she oaks and coconuts fell in. The great new fence that national parks built to protect the vegetation also went, along with the vegetation. All the while raw sewage was pumped out across the flats, just near the jetty at a rate of 150,000 litres a day. What was coral beds became seagrass beds and stopped the movement of sand from South to North and the island started eroding and dying as a result. All the while it was a green zone. Hmmm!! Ban fishing and the reef will be saved??
I heard a great little grab on ABC yesterday that as a result of receiving 27 submissions from tourism operators GBRMPA is allowing a 30% increase in touist numbers to sites previuosly identified as requiring special protection by limitig numbers.
30% more reef tax $$$$$, don't worry that they ignored most of the 30,000 submissions from rec fishers.