g'day people
i was in brissy recently looking around for a nice place to relocate the family to after having enough of the central nsw lifestyle (dubbo) and i was amazed at the number and quality of stocked impoundments up there. most of these impoundments were in easy reach of the average joe for a day trip or a weekender.
the dam i was blown away by was wivenhoe, this is one of the most spectactular looking lakes i had seen in my travels and was amazed to see the boat ramp facilities (logans inlet) totaly deserted, not a person in sight(thursday afternoon). it was then that i saw the boating restrictions and my jaw dropped, how the heck do you fish or cruise a lake of this magnitude(sp) with an electric motor only?? my tinny only has a small minkota of 27lbs thrust and to travel to the other side of this lake and fish for a while and then return back would be down right dangerous if a nasty southerly blew up.
surely the powers to be could compromise and cordon off the southern end of the dam , make it a no-go zone while having a maximum horsepower limit for the rest say 50hp thus reducing the erosin factor of relentless laps in ski boats ( sorry skiers). our local dam (burrendong) is of simmilar size and has no restrictions even at its current level off stuff all% and it supplies water to a large population base as well.
any how theres a point to discuss amongst us and lets invite comments from the authorities ( we know your watchin big-brother)
cheers everyone swano( can't wait for the move to QLD)