I don't see the point of going to great expense or effort in trying to save every species on the planet, especially if its demise has nothing to do with man.Originally Posted by gunna
As I said before this has been going on since the beginning of life on this planet and playing God by trying to save an otherwise doomed species is just as irresponsible as wipeing one out.
Natures way has always been survival of the fittest, those species that can adapt survive a long time , like the crocodile, others come and go in a short period of time , like say the sabre tooth tiger, because they over specialise or/and cannot adapt when the environment changes.
Having said that I do believe we should take all reasonable steps to ensure the survival of the Grey Nurse because we are largely responsible for their low numbers . A lot of trigger happy DIVERS blew most of them away in the early 70's with power heads on their spear guns.
Ironically they are now the only #ones allowed in the protected zones. This could be why the sharks have not returned , they are still fearful of divers. # #