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Thread: courses and qualifications for guides

  1. #1

    courses and qualifications for guides

    How is everyone.I was thinking about starting my own fishing guiding service and was wondering about how you go about being a qualified guide. Is there some sort of course you can do?.I have extensive knowledge in all aspects of fishing.I have been tying flies for 15 years and have travelled all around the world to some great fishing destinations.I service fishing reels for all the local tackle shops,i work in two of the local tackle shops.i have given fly tying demonstrations to groups and have shown the general public how to fish.I feel i can offer a service which i would love to do.So if anyone has any ideas about courses and qualifications i would greatly appreciate it.Thanks guys for all your help.

  2. #2

    Re: courses and qualifications for guides

    Hi JJ,
    Depends upon the relevant state or territory you intend to work in. You'll need a minimum of a coxswains ticket & some form of fisheries permit to conduct a commercial venture.
    Contact your relevant fisheries and transport/maritime departments. Things you'll probably need are Senior 1st aid inc PCR, insurance, various permits, surveyed boat, maritime college, commercial sea time (logged),,,,,,, the list is long.

    Dont really matter how much or little you know about fishing, as long as you're all legal like. Then if you're can't put people onto fish you'll just go broke.


    Australian Lure & Fly Expo - Australia's largest ever gathering of Aussie lures under one
    Australian Lure Shop - Get aussie made lures direct from the lure makers at

  3. #3

    Re: courses and qualifications for guides

    Thanks Fitzy,i appreciate your advice.It seems it is just not that easy.Once again mate thanks, i will persevere Cheers

  4. #4

    Re: courses and qualifications for guides

    a field of work i would seriously love to get into considering fishing is the only thing that matters to me.. stuff women and cars, boats n fishing is more important.. and despite costing heaps.. gives ya fun all the time and ya get something in return.. oh yea, and when they leave ya, they dont take ur house

    funny coming from a 22yr old dont ya reckon?

  5. #5

    Re: courses and qualifications for guides

    Nothing wrong with wising up young!

    Regards, Tony

  6. #6

    Re: courses and qualifications for guides

    Hi JJ,

    If you are planning a specific location and inshore waters you need as a minimum a restricted Coxwains (for a boat under 12 meters). For this you need seatime but it does not have to be in a commercial vessel any more. Seatime in a reasonabley sized recreational vessel now qualifies as seatime and you can arrange ratification of this with Qld Transport.

    For your coxwains you need senior first aid certificate and radio operators certificates as well as 20/20 unaided vision certificate...this one catches out a lot of people..if you need glasses you can not get a coxwains!!

    Once you have your ticket, and these are available through some TAFE colleges you then need permits. One from DPI Qld and another from GBRMPA if you are planing operations north of Bundaberg. These cost a few bucks and you have to reapply every year.

    If your going to get seriuos with a game boat style operation and feed clients lunch you need a few more permits.

    These include fire certificate, workplace health & safety certificate, gas certificate, food handleing certificate, compass certificate, electrical certificate, Fishing tours permit, Marine Parks permit, GBRMPA Log Book Returns, Qld Transport log Book Returns, DPI Log Book Returns, Fuel & Oil register..............oh yeh & somewhere within the paper nightmare, you find time to actually take people fishing!!

    Hmmm! Why did I give it away?? Don't let an old synic like me scare you off. If you like putting in the hours and making people smile then working as a fishing guide can be a fantastic experience, It is just the paperwork after a long day on the water that wears a bit thin.

    Cheers JJ & good luck


  7. #7

    Re: courses and qualifications for guides

    im also interested in setting up an offshore fishing charter when i have the money and am older etc etc. thanks for that info KC found it all very interesting.

    cheers philip
    Bring on the Marlin!!!

  8. #8

    Re: courses and qualifications for guides

    thanks guys for all your advice.sorry i could not reply any earlier,but getting on to a computer in this house is an absolute nightmare especially with three teenagers. once again fellas thanks

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