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dive boats rules etc
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Thread: dive boats rules etc

  1. #1

    dive boats rules etc

    Hi, often get a few dive boats around here who think they own the place and make some noise and take rego numbers down for whatever reason, is there any laws about distance or is it the precautionary principle when they have a flag up.

  2. #2

    Re: dive boats rules etc

    Gday Rob
    There is a required distance that a boat must keep from a diver displaying the blue and white 'diver below' flag. Don't quote me exactly, but I think it is about 35m.

    Regards, Tony

  3. #3

    Re: dive boats rules etc

    and from some of my experience too bad if you were there first they like to pull up next to you and tell you to leave (happened 2 times to me ) i think its 30 or 35 mtrs i know its in the book of rules . i have no problems with divers i use to dive but when they tell you to leave it pi**es me off and legaly you have too.


  4. #4

    Re: dive boats rules etc


    I'm pretty sure I'm correct here but then again I could be proved totally wrong and I offer my humble apologies if I lead anyone down the garden path.

    Queensland transport uses the "The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea IALA Buoyage System "A"".

    Under this convention when you see a International Code “A” Flag (blue and white dive flag)

    This flag means: “I have a Diver Down, Keep Well Clear at Slow Speed”

    The Water Regulations require all craft to reduce speed to five
    knots max within 200m of a Code “A” Flag. This flag may
    also be attached to a small marker buoy towed by a diver.

    That means you can "move" still inside that radius but at slow speed.

    Does that help?


  5. #5

    Re: dive boats rules etc

    I extracted the following from the Current Regualtions (available at :

    95 Speed limit for ship operating near person in water etc.
    (1) A person must not operate a ship (including a personal watercraft) at
    a speed of more than 6 knots in waters—
    (a) within 30 m of any of the following—
    (i) a person in the waters;
    (ii) a ship at anchor, moored or made fast to the shore or
    (iii) a jetty, wharf, boat ramp or pontoon in or on the waters;
    (iv) a float or structure exhibiting a code A flag or other
    commonly accepted signal indicating the presence of a diver
    in the waters; and
    (b) for which a speed limit of 6 knots or lower has not been stated
    under a gazette notice.
    Maximum penalty—200 penalty units.

    So their seems to be a difference between what Brett found and what appears in the current Qld Regulations - but only in respect of max speed and distance from the flag.

    A call to the Dept of Transport - Maritime Services would be prudent so that any confusion about the regulations can be cleared up.

    My quick research on this only covered current Qld Regualtions.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: dive boats rules etc

    If people tell me to move they better have POLICE written on the side of their boat or they can go and #%!* themselves.

  7. #7

    Re: dive boats rules etc

    thanks guys, bugman i cant find anything better, with the attitude some of these guys have i bet its all in their head

  8. #8

    Re: dive boats rules etc

    Spot on Bugman that is my interpretation of the rule as well !

    You do not have to leave just because a dive boat pulls up. I had one last week drop his descent marker less than one metre from my boat while I was fishing the St Paul, all the while telling me that I had to move as soon as they were suited up and going in. Told him to go f!ck himself and learn the rules.

    Had the last laugh on them as their marker moved while they were under and drifted south for approx 200m. While they got ready I proceeded to chunk up a couple of whole mack tuna into pieces and dropped into burley bucket along with all my oldest smelliest frozen bait.

    Will give a hats off to the skipper of the Esperance Star as he is a gentleman unlike some of his fellow operators.



  9. #9

    Re: dive boats rules etc

    Yep. If I was there first they can write down my rego and take a photo of my middle digit.

    I wouldn't move.

  10. #10

    Re: dive boats rules etc

    It seems like they have the gov in the back pocket, even sinking ships for them.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Addict
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: dive boats rules etc

    All for the tourist dollar kev, haven't you heard lately, there is more money in tourism then in rec fishing, yeh rite.

  12. #12

    Re: dive boats rules etc

    gday all
    my 2 brothers and me were down at the tweed 9 mile the other week and happily fishing away when a dive boat pulled up about 35 meters away. we were having lots of fun catching a heap of smallish refies and letting em go, all the while waiting for that "big one" to come along. .
    the next thing we knew we looked over the side and thought a bloody whale was swiming under the boat! after a few minutes we woke up to what was going on(WHEN THE FISH STOPPED BIGHTING [smiley=angryfire.gif] [smiley=angryfire.gif]). those bloody m*#grel dive boat operators had taken a huge swag full of their bloody tourists straight under our boat.
    When we finaly got the sh*^s and moved the bloke still on the dive boat had the nerve to give me a wave. The only thing he got in return was 3 of the middle finger salutes.
    oh well thats my bitch for the day. maybee there will be another dive boat sink in the tweed for their troubles.

    cheers, anyfish

  13. #13

    Re: dive boats rules etc

    Should have tried to catch one of them

  14. #14
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: dive boats rules etc

    Quote Originally Posted by ANYFISH
    gday all
    my 2 brothers and me were down at the tweed 9 mile the other week and happily fishing away when a dive boat pulled up about 35 meters away. we were having lots of fun catching a heap of smallish refies and letting em go, all the while waiting for that "big one" to come along. .
    the next thing we knew we looked over the side and thought a bloody whale was swiming under the boat! after a few minutes we woke up to what was going on(WHEN THE FISH STOPPED BIGHTING [smiley=angryfire.gif] [smiley=angryfire.gif]). those bloody m*#grel dive boat operators had taken a huge swag full of their bloody tourists straight under our boat.
    When we finaly got the sh*^s and moved the bloke still on the dive boat had the nerve to give me a wave. The only thing he got in return was 3 of the middle finger salutes.
    oh well thats my bitch for the day. maybee there will be another dive boat sink in the tweed for their troubles.

    cheers, anyfish

    Chucking a couple of buckets of blood into the water as they were swimming by might have cleared them. Here sharkie sharkie sharkie

  15. #15

    Re: dive boats rules etc

    if the butt monkeys swim under my boat some one will be wearing a 9/0 .isnt there a flag that means danger,aka shark in the area

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