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Getting Deep
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Thread: Getting Deep

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member wessel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Getting Deep


    My first posting - hope I do not sound as stupid as I look
    Big eye tuna is on the run in our area with 50kg + babies being brought in by nets. When trawling offshore I can see the little buggers on the fishfinder hanging out in 30 + meters of water over pinacles and dropoffs.

    My question - How do you get a lure that deep without using a down rigger setup. (Not available in this region and a bugger to import. Tried to make one after looking at some pics but fish get snagged on the line before we can pull the "downrigger" out resulting in a bustoff every time.)

    We use Storm Deep Thunder lures (140 mm) that can go about 20 feet at 8 knots - but we need to get deeper. Tried adding torpedo weights to the line - which adds about another 10 feet to your depth. Tried Yazuri diving boards, and then threw the dastard thing away - A royal pain in the but to get those things to work properly.

    The fish will not come closer to the surface cause the water is too warm for their liking - they hang out below the thermocline so we have to go to them.

    Has anybody got any ideas that they do not mind sharing?

    Thanx in advance


  2. #2

    Re: Getting Deep

    There is heaps of info on DRs on this site if you do a search. My suggestion would be, rather than trolling, why don't you try jigging some big metals over the peaks?

    Where abouts are you anyway?

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member wessel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Getting Deep

    I am in a place called Sur in Oman. Their claim to fame is that Sindbad the sailor from Walt Disney fame hailed from here many moons ago.
    The game and bottom fishing here is unbelievable and we are spoiled rotten for choise. GT / Spanish Mac's / Dorado / Sail / Black and Blue Marlin / Tuna (yellowfin and big eye) / Bonito /
    Snapper / Coral trout / Grouper etc

    The big tuna is on the run currently but the fish like cooler water and will only hang out in deep water. Last weekend saw them no shallower than 150 meter.

    The locals use a technique where they tie a sardine to a hook, wind the bait and leader around a stone and then drop it in on the fish. They pull on the line where the stone then falls free leaving the sardine down deep drifting in the current. They set their hooks about 100+ meters down and then wait. Now comes the fun part. This is all on braided handlines!!!!! Have you ever tried to fight a 80 kg tuna on a handline wearing no gloves ???

    I have one word for it - INSANE!!!!!!

    This desk jockey will come back minus fingers if he tries it. The other problem is that I am over the side feeding the fish whenever a boat comes to a standstill. Bring on big waves while we are trawling and I have no problem - stop and I am hanging over the side.

    There lies the problem - I know where they are but can not stop to fish for them as much as I would like to. When trawling we need to get deeper but can not get downriggers imported here - funny local laws etc.

    I have been reading the postings on this site for about two weeks now and there is a wealth of knowledge and experience here that I am gratefull for - for all those that have contributed - thank you very much in helping others getting more enjoyment out of their sport/hobby/passion/obsession. I did pick up un a few things and last weekend saw us landing some very nice Spanish Macs.

    Attached is a picture of what I am after. These fish were caught on handline by a local guy. I am an old fashioned 6 foot 4 inches to get some perspective on the size of that tuna one of my mates and I are holding. No idea how heavy it was cause I was unable to lift it by myself - my reckoning it was easily over 70kg.

    My dream is to land at least a 50 kilo fish and I have been trying for almost a year now - it is only a matter of time and the law of averages I reckon

  4. #4

    Re: Getting Deep

    wessel.. are live baits available?? if so i would be finding where the fish are holding and live bait them using a break away snapper lead on a rubber band. works wonders. BUT if you must troll i would circle the area where you are marking the fish and see if they rise (not sure about big eye but i know alot of other game fish will rise to see what all the splash and noise is about.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: Getting Deep

    Hi Wessel
    If you can get crystalised ginger over there then eat those while out fishing. They will help/stop you feeling queezy so you can fish at anchor.


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