I was out at Mud Island the other day trying to get a feed of sand crabs together when this pro crabber came up and just about ran over me. He was driving like a maniack and when he got alongside he started abusing me. Called me everything under the sun and even threatened to kill me. He reckoned I was pinching his crabs, I didn't even have a crab in the boat and I told him so.
That wasn't good enough, then he went on to tell me to get my pots out of the area (in not so nice terms) and threatened me with a big lump of wood. He said that he owned the bay.
I couldn't beleive it. Talk about nuts.
Has anyone else run into him. He's only about 20 or so, blonde scruffy hair and a piercing in his tonge. I told the coppers and they seem to know who he is but I wont hold my breath for anything to be done.