HI all,
For those interested....and I think that's a lot...in the wash-up..& more by good luck than good management...we kind of backed the right horse.
Let me be clear that we really could not have cared less who won...we just looked for the best deal for rec fishers but at the end of the day, our preferences ended up with the Nationals because they offered the best deal.
As part of our preference deals we also encouraged/persuaded One Nation to also give their preferences to the Nats in exchange for our second preferences.
The end result is that the Nats look like winning a vital extra seat and the Howard Government historic control of the senate. They are leading by 3000 votes and 23,000 of those are "ours".
To say that they are"pleased" with us is an understatement.
We now, very clearly, have a freind in Government and recreational fishers have a voice with direct effect. This was always the point...always..always..always.
I will be meeting with Government over the next couple of weeks.
We don't want anything silly...just a fair go in future and a big shake-up of GBRMPA.
I have to say...on the basis of what I heard today...we did it.
All the work is about to pay off...the greens no longer control the upper house...and I Fish & I Vote is now more than just a bumper sticker. Yah f%$#@^ who!!
For those who have not joined up.....maybe it's about time!