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Election wash-up...the plot thickens
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Thread: Election wash-up...the plot thickens

  1. #1

    Election wash-up...the plot thickens

    HI all,

    For those interested....and I think that's a the wash-up..& more by good luck than good management...we kind of backed the right horse.

    Let me be clear that we really could not have cared less who won...we just looked for the best deal for rec fishers but at the end of the day, our preferences ended up with the Nationals because they offered the best deal.

    As part of our preference deals we also encouraged/persuaded One Nation to also give their preferences to the Nats in exchange for our second preferences.

    The end result is that the Nats look like winning a vital extra seat and the Howard Government historic control of the senate. They are leading by 3000 votes and 23,000 of those are "ours".

    To say that they are"pleased" with us is an understatement.

    We now, very clearly, have a freind in Government and recreational fishers have a voice with direct effect. This was always the point...always..always..always.

    I will be meeting with Government over the next couple of weeks.

    We don't want anything silly...just a fair go in future and a big shake-up of GBRMPA.

    I have to say...on the basis of what I heard today...we did it.

    All the work is about to pay off...the greens no longer control the upper house...and I Fish & I Vote is now more than just a bumper sticker. Yah f%$#@^ who!!

    For those who have not joined up.....maybe it's about time!



  2. #2

    Re: Election wash-up...the plot thickens

    Excellent news KC. [smiley=laola.gif]
    Lets see if we can make those GBRMPA fellas a little uncomfortable for a change.

    Congrats again
    Make something Idiot proof and they make better Idiots

  3. #3

    Re: Election wash-up...the plot thickens

    Great news KC. So satisfying when all that hard work that you and the party have done pays off.

    Actually, I will believe that when I see it, but at least it is a step in the right direction.

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  4. #4

    Re: Election wash-up...the plot thickens

    No happy with the final senate outcome overall but that was never the point and with the swing, wouldn't have made a difference anyway.
    Hopefully the Beaty gov will at least consider thinking twice re the continued and unjustified gang rape attack on our coastline, bring on the state election >. I am sure us rec fisherman will help some of their party mates look for work outside of their elected seat .
    TFP is contesting the state elections?

    The next Federal elections will be the BIG senate election, so I was told, KC had better start shining the seat of his pants about now .

    Hopefully Virginia Chadwick's disgusting behaviour toward recfisherman and rec fishing in general will be spotlighted and that her 'GBRMPA Chair' becomes way too slippery sit on [smiley=laola.gif]

  5. #5

    Re: Election wash-up...the plot thickens

    Hi NQ,

    We will be looking to meet with Palaszczuk over the next few weeks and will be quite rightly pointing out to sitting state Labor MPs in Coastal Marginals just how big our votes were on manned booths.

    If we don't get a fair hearing, we will certainly be standing, if we do....not sure...too early yet. At the end of the day this was always about getting taken seriuosly...if we do...we really won't have to stand again...the numbers are now on the board and we will wait to see the reaction.



  6. #6
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: Election wash-up...the plot thickens

    I might be the ONLY person on this fantastic site not happy with the outcome of the senate result , lets see how much legislation will now be fast tracked through in the middle of the night and then we are told when it’s to late. First on the list Telstra privately owned profit driven ( yes hade to put-off 800 people we are stream lining our operations to benefit the Mums & Dads SHARE HOLDERS ) and who is going to cop it the Bush FNQ . Hope I’m wrong

    Fishing in my passion my sport I work long hard hours to have the money to spend on it, but it is not the be all to end all my boys future with a healthy environment is MY No1 priority

    p.s. I guess no one will talk to me after this outburst but I am quite upset.

    Cheers Steve

  7. #7
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Election wash-up...the plot thickens

    AMAZING! Watch the ballots go through the elimination process. Incredible. Nats looked down and out at one stage. Greens looked home, then at the last miniute both the nats and libs blast past the greens to take gold.

    Liberals for the forests.,00.html
    What a con job, they are a front for Labor to con enviromental minded Liberals into voting for them thinking their vote goes to the Liberals when its really going to the ALP. Dirty pool, glad it failed. WA they put Labor last (I suspect that was based on local issues the WA Labor Gov).

    What next, someone starts two parties called the Australian Labour Party and the Labor Party, runs them in the senate and sends the votes to the Liberals? AEC should stop this sort of crap.

    Back fired in NSW the Liberals for Forests killed off the Green candidate who then gave prefences to Labor. Liberals for Forests in NSW ran a masterly campaign, collected votes from almost everyone that was excluded. Pushed the greens down to third. Greens then preference Labor and the Liberals for Forests guy went from leading by 70000 votes to being excluded. They'd be spewin' the Greens didn't preference them before Labor.

  8. #8

    Re: Election wash-up...the plot thickens

    I'm confused. Isn't GBRMPA a Commonwealth organistaion? Doesn't the coalition have a say in what occurs within GBRMPA? If so, isn't it the coalition that paved the way for the RAP process?

  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: Election wash-up...the plot thickens


    Don't be confused. Yes the coalition paved the way for RAP. So did every other party. Nobody spoke against RAP and nobody in politics wanted to listen to us. I think that will now be different. There was no Fishing Party then. There is now. All sides of politics will now listen instead of just pandering to the greens.

    I for one have no loyalty to either side of politics but will talk to both sides for the best deal.

    The Government is formed in the House of Reps. The Senate is there to ensure all sides are listened to. Even without a Senator I now think they will at least listen.

    We need to grow from here.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member BigE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: Election wash-up...the plot thickens

    Well done K.C. [smiley=thumbsup.gif] when you meet the shiney bums [smiley=argue.gif]just rember to look 4 the fine print if there isn't any be afraid [smiley=devil.gif] [smiley=devil.gif].... ps you could tellem pollies make the best berly for sharks ... best of luck KC

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Election wash-up...the plot thickens

    "instead of just pandering to the greens"

    Why do they pander to the bloody greens? I dont get it.
    The greens contested just about every seat in the house of reps and averaged less than 3 % of the vote. Out polled by Mr. Informal, hardly a political force.

  12. #12

    Re: Election wash-up...the plot thickens

    Seriously SeaHunt,

    You are way off the money on this one - go and have another look at the figures.

    The Greens actually emerged in this election as the third biggest voting block behind the Coalition and the Labor Party with over %7 of the primary vote.

    They are the biggest political force outside the major parties. In fact if you look at trends over the last few elections - at the next federal election they ARE likely to be a major party.


  13. #13
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Re: Election wash-up...the plot thickens


    Congratulations for your hard work. I anxiously await to see some "wins" for rec fisho's like us. On saturday, I told my family and all of my mates to tell their wives girlfriends and parents etc to vote for Fishing Party in Senate. Amazing how word of mouth can spread for a good cause. They all voted for you too I'm told.


  14. #14
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: Election wash-up...the plot thickens

    "I might be the ONLY person on this fantastic site not happy with the outcome of the senate result , lets see how much legislation will now be fast tracked through in the middle of the night and then we are told when it’s to late."

    The idea of a senate controlled by one party is no different to the Qld Government..they can pass anything at any time they like as there is no upper house.

  15. #15

    Re: Election wash-up...the plot thickens

    Pinhead you are not the only one, I get butterflies in my stomach everytime I think of what is to come .
    [smiley=hammer.gif] [smiley=behead.gif] but the primary vote highlighted who they wanted to govern, after years of eyes wide open, Telstra, Aust post, Fairness in dismissal, Medicines etc etc.nq

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