No worrys Jack, can you give me a ring on 0403539485 or 32083600 so I can quickly run through a couple of things with you.
No worrys Jack, can you give me a ring on 0403539485 or 32083600 so I can quickly run through a couple of things with you.
Jack Lives Here, need you to give me a ring so I can cofirm which test you want to sit for... MROCP or MROVCP
Numbers above in my last post
Cheers Lloyd
Thats it folks.... its all full up apart from those yet to contact or confirm with me their attendance...
for those 3 from this site that are waiting to make a final decision on their intentions let me know asap, i have included you in the final count.... ??? Currently I have 15, thats full capacity. Any late cancellations and I will throw it open again to you guys at Ausfish
Regards Lloyd
See you all in the morning.
Dont forget your passport photos.
For those of you wishing a couple more days to study I have sat aside Weds night at 7pm at Victoria Point.... I will be returning ALL test papers on Thursday morning by courier for marking by A.M.C.
Looking forward to meeting some more of you blokes from Ausfish
Regards Lloyd
First of all thanks. The course was run professionally and was very informative. Would recommend it to anyone who has a radio onboard. You made the rather 'dry' material interesting and your stories of real life scenarios helped in the learning process.
Hey Lloyd
Thanks again for a very interesting day and the hospitality of VMRVP.I also thought the course was held very professionally and although was a whole day seemed to go quite quickley. I would think the the course would be very helpful to the general 27 meg users aswell . Because if you know the procedures you would be more confident in using the radio . eg Logging on,etc.
Thanks Llyod (subzero),
For the great day & I would recommend it to anyone who has a 27Meg or VHF radio and hasn't done the course. Good to catch up with fellow Ausfishes JackLivesHere, Ezfish, Payneful and 25 ponies and put a face to a name. We'll worth doing.
Thanks fellas. Enjoyed the day myself and like Black_Rat was saying it was good to meet up with all you blokes and put a nick name to a face...
Remember, dont start chewing your fingernails untill 2 weeks from this Thursday as I still have 2 people to sit the test, and 2 that have to bring me their passport photo's so they havent been sent off yet...
Like you say Ezyfish, totally agree, the course would be beneficial to all users of 2 way radios including 27meg...
All the best fellas
Safe boating
Cheers Lloyd
bump !! so how did I go [smiley=smash.gif] [smiley=gossip.gif] [smiley=gossip.gif] not sure now
Gidday Damo, dont stress just yet...
I dont expect to hear back from AMC untill probably about next Thursday, Friday...
Unfortunately, the papers never ended up going back for marking untill the following Monday as one of the people who sat the test on the Wednesday night didnt bring a photo so we were held up untill he got it in to us. [smiley=freak.gif]
Sorry about the delay, wasnt much I could do about it unfortunately.... beleive it or not, I get probably just as anxious as everyone else while waiting to see how everyone went
We will all receive the results basicly at the same time... pass or "N.Y.C"
Fingers crossed
All the best, Cheers Lloyd
If any Ausfish member gets less than 95%, make them do it again Lloyd.
Cheers Phill
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Give us a break Phil .... I don't think anyone who sat the exam that day had seen the handbook before!
I got more than that Phil
I'm starting to think that my choice of doing the MROCP rather than the MROVCP might have been slightly ill-conceived......
Anyway, will find out in a couple of weeks I guess.
95 % there were a few curley questions thrown in the test so if anyone got 95% or better is doing well !