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Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen
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Thread: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

  1. #1

    Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    Story page 2. The Australian 25th October. Someone with computer smarts may be able to post a link??

    A few extracts....."The National Barnaby Joyce, who looks set to win the final senate spot in Queensland , said yesterday that the preference from The Fishing Party, which polled 28,000 votes, could be intrumental in his victory"...

    "insist Howard government reverse its decsion earlier this year to close 33% of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park to fishing"..."The issue of fishing on the Great Barrier Reef will be a bargaining chip for the people of Queensland"......

    Talking of GBRMPA...."but they have done that in a heavy handed fashion. It's well past the reef now, they are talking about areas such as lagoons and foreshores and that ban is effecting the quality of life of a lot of people in the North".

    Someone needs to post the entire article...I would get RSI trying to write it all but in essence it is the first time TFPQ has got some public acknowledgement of our effect o the election results and a soon to be senator promising to do something about the zoning....we watch, we wait and I must say, we are encouraged.

    The power of the vote............all the submissions and lobbying achieved nothing and a simple tick in the box may well get some things changed.

    Oh! & most of you will be delighted to know that the Greens are NOT HAPPY!!!! Drew Hutton, the candidate most likely to miss out wants our preference deal referred to the Crime & Misconduct & then they can have a look at the deals done by the greens with Labor & the Liberals for the Forest etc etc etc!!!!!!!!! Me thinks green grapes must be sour as hell!


  2. #2

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    The 'intentions' sound good KC ,and hopefully a lot more 'ticks' for you next time.........hope he actually "wins",00.html

    p.s. this isn't the link you wanted ,but relevant

  3. #3

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    Thanks for keeping all informed kc, a lot of fisho's are sittin back watching, listening and yakkin among themselves..
    Lets see what pans out by next election time ey , n dont run out of stickers lol...

  4. #4

    Fishing lobby angles for election payback

    The Australian Monday October 25 2004
    Page 2

    Fishing lobby angles for election payback
    Greg Roberts
    Andrew Fraser

    The Queensland National Party is exerting its balance of power position in the Senate by insisting on major changes to environmental laws covering the Great Barrier Reef.

    The National’s Barnaby Joyce, who looks set to win the final Senate spot in Queensland, said yesterday that his preferences from the Fishing Party, which polled 28,000 votes, could be instrumental in his victory.

    Consequently, Mr Joyce said, he and fellow Queensland senator Ron Boswell would insist that the Howard Government reverse a decision earlier this year to close 33 per cent of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park to fishing.

    In return, the Nationals would consider supporting government legislation on such issues as industrial relations reform and cross-media ownership.

    “The issue of fishing on the Great Barrier Reef will be a bargaining chip for the people of Queensland, Mr Joyce said.

    “GBRMPA has gone well beyond its original mandate which was to protect the biodiversity of the reef.

    But they’ve done that in a very heavy handed fashion. It’s well past the reef now; they’re talking about areas such as lagoons and the foreshore, and that ban is affecting the quality of life of a lot of people in the north.

    “But professional fishermen are also suffering. They should be subject to strict bag limits, but if they are not affecting the biodiversity of the reef, they should be allowed to stay.
    “There’s a lot of emotion overlapping the facts here.”

    Fishing Party Senate Candidate Kevin Collins revealed that the Nationals, in pre-election negotiations over preferences, had promised to reverse the ban.

    Mr Collins said that he expected them to deliver on the promise.

    “It looks as though we’ve got Barnaby Joyce up in the Senate,” he said.

    “The fishing ban has had a devastating impact in the industry in North Queensland and we expect the Government to do something about it.
    We’re talking about the livelihood of a $320 million a year industry.”

    But the Greens Senate candidate for Queensland, Drew Hutton, who was tipped out of the race by Mr Joyce, accused the Nationals of doing a secret preferences deal with the Fishing Party, and said his party could refer the matters to Queensland’s Crime and Misconduct Commission.

    Mr Hutton said neither the Fishing Party nor the Nationals had revealed the terms of their preferences arrangements before the poll.

    “This is similar to the highly questionable agreement between the Coalition and the Police Union before the 1995 Queensland election, which lead to an official enquiry, “Mr Hutton said.

    “any move to reopen the marine park to fishing would be disastrous. It’s exactly the sort of reason why the Howard Government should not have control of the senate.

    Photo caption Friend of Fishers: Mr Joyce

    Photo caption: “We expect them to deliver”: Fishing Party candidate Kevin Collins speaks with a local angler today at Airlie Beach in North Queensland about Mr Joyce’s promise.

    Retyped - E&OE

  5. #5

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    Barnaby was interviewed on John McKensies talkback radio show in Cairns this morning and stated REVERSE was NEVER said and when asked to explain said that REVIEW (rather tongue in cheek) was the stated view.
    He actually sounded like a TYPICAL POLITICIAN .
    cheers baldy

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    Mr Hutton said.
    “any move to reopen the marine park to fishing would be disastrous"

    It was not disastrous, before. What scientific facts is he basing that statement on. ???

    What a ######, and a sore loser. [smiley=stare.gif]
    He is just pissed off because he will have to go and get a real job now. [smiley=bigcry.gif]
    There were that many different groups running for the senate, no one could possible know all the preference deals that were done. I am sure Mr. Hutton just underestimated the support for the fishing party and overestimated his own self importance.
    I am sure the Crime and Misconduct Commission has got better things to do with their time than listen to Mr Hutton have a dummy spit.

  7. #7

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    Baldy is spot on but bear in mind the "Australian" has got it wrong. The Nats never promised a "reversal" and we never asked for one. I attach the Fishing party policy on the GBR.

    We asked for a review of the process to make sure this type of shafting never happens again. We asked that rec fishing has a real opportunity for input into marine park management and we asked for a fair go. We would like as part of the review, adoption of our policy on the GBR...will we get it? Don't know, but we are doing a whole lot beter than we did filling in submission forms.


    6. In respect of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and associated zoning framework, it is the policy of TFP that an overhaul of zonings implemented as at July 1st 2004 take place to lessen the burden on the recreational fishing community. Such overhaul to work within the framework of available evidence and opt for split reef systems rather than the current practice of whole reef green zones. That a clear distinction at legislative and enforcement level be recognised between the varied fisheries techniques used by recreational and commercial sectors and an adherence to the governing laws applicable to the GBR which both allow and encourage reasonable and sustainable use. As part of this review an increase in the number of Pink zones and directly contrasting reduction in Green zones in hard reef areas and other areas of particular and identifiable biological importance

  8. #8

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    Poor Mr Hutton...didn't he know Green Grapes are Sour!!


  9. #9

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    Seahunt ,check this out , particularly the "last half" , hope the Natguy prevails mate

    note 1.10.04.......but relevant to these yep....idiots >

    Green World,00.html

  10. #10

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    You made the ABC as well. Congrats! Public exposure. [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

    Print Email
    Last Update: Monday, October 25, 2004. 11:03am (AEST)
    Fishing Party issues warning over reef review deal
    The Fishing Party says it expects the Nationals to hold up their end of a deal to push for a review of fishing closures on the Great Barrier Reef.

    The party's Senate candidate Kevin Collins says in pre-election negotiations the Nationals agreed to lobby for changes in exchange for second or third preferences.

    Nationals' candidate Barnaby Joyce is hopeful of snaring the last Queensland Senate spot and has already signalled he will call for a review of the green zones.

    Mr Collins says it is an important issue.

    "We expect to be listened to and if we don't get listened to this time we'll stand in every coastal marginal seat in Queensland, both state and federal, next time around and look out basically because they've just gone too far," he said.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    If the Nats guy does not get in it will be One Nation's Len Harris , which is still better than the Greens. Maybe someone should take him out for a fish.

    The following is extracted from a link above and completely sums up how good a job these so called Green assocations have brainwashed the average guy in the street.

    In a scything article in the spring issue of Policy, the journal of the Centre for Independent Studies, Jennifer Marohasy, a biologist who directs environmental research at the Institute of Public Affairs, argues that "predetermined beliefs rather than science (now drive) public policy on environmental issues".

  12. #12
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    "But the Greens Senate candidate for Queensland, Drew Hutton, who was tipped out of the race by Mr Joyce, accused the Nationals of doing a secret preferences deal with the Fishing Party, and said his party could refer the matters to Queensland’s Crime and Misconduct Commission.

    Mr Hutton said neither the Fishing Party nor the Nationals had revealed the terms of their preferences arrangements before the poll.

    “This is similar to the highly questionable agreement between the Coalition and the Police Union before the 1995 Queensland election, which lead to an official enquiry, “Mr Hutton said.

    “any move to reopen the marine park to fishing would be disastrous. It’s exactly the sort of reason why the Howard Government should not have control of the senate."

    MEMO TO MR . DREW HUTTON (pereenial parliamentary candidate but never a winner)

    Mr. refer to the Police Union deals in STATE elections. Well, that was exactly it..a State case you were unaware, the Senate is part of a Feweral Election. I doubt the CMC has any jurisdiction whasoever over Federal legislation including the federal Electoral Act in regards to Senate Elections..methinks if anyone owuld be called upon to investigate it would be the Federal Police.

    Disaster, disaster, disaster...that is all the Greens rely on..scare mongering. I would prefer Attila the Hun having the control of the Seante before we return to the Greens having any say all.

    To you Drew...go on son..find a real job..the next elections are 3 years away but keep going..there must be some sort of record for most number of times to stand for election yet never win a could be yours..your claim to fame..wouldn't that be awesome.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    I just proof read my previous post..damn typos..sorry bout those chief.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    Just click on the modify Button and fix em up PinHeed.
    Seriously though , I must agree.

  15. #15

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    Have to say it was not much of a "secret" having been posted on the net and readily available from the AEC. All National party policies which effected rec fishing were announced during the camapign. The only things "we" got were a promise to review GBRMPA and give rec fishing a voice, change the structural adjustment package to include compensation for the rec fishing industry and fund a recreational fishing national body.....all done and dusted. "Secret" deal...really!!! Green grapes are sour grapes and .........IF........... the nats get the last seat we will have a chance of having some input. If they don't then I'm taking up golf


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