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Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen - Page 2
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Thread: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

  1. #16

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    KC you better get out your golf clubs and dust em off!

    Senator Ian McDonald today on ABC radio stated that "Barnaby Joice and Ron Boswell will have absolutely no influence on or with anything to do with the review process of GBRMPA." He said "that Green Zones are set in concrete and will NEVER be reviewed with the aim to modify the Green Zones to better suit the Recreational Fishermen".

    and I don't play golf either! [smiley=bigcry.gif]
    cheers baldy

  2. #17

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    I don't really need or expected Barnaby or Ron to be 'directly' involved ,it should be an independent REVIEW anyway. ???

    Ian Baby seems to have a little tainted slant and preconceived ideas and should abstain and give himself an uppercut for making a stupid statement ,if accurately reported, like
    "to (NOT) better suit the Recreational Fishermen" ........

    Could be vote winner for the FP ,in the future ,now you know who's who ,and on who's side.

  3. #18

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    Hmmm!! We live in hope. The only thing these guys take any notice of is votes and I will be making it very clear to them over the next 12 months.....if they want us to "go away" they need to listen and act...after all, we do live in a democracy and "they" are suppossed to represent "us". The 30,000 people who voted for us have some rights in the political process. We actually outpolled both the greens and democrats in NQ and surely ??? they can't just ignore this fact.

    Personally, I don't expect any reduction in green zones but do expect/live in hope that, lines can to be moved to make the zones more user friendly. They can (if they must) still have their 30% but there are better ways (like the split reef option) so they can have their NTA and we can still enjoy where we live.

    At least we are in the news and getting noticed....the very fact they the pollies are now bobbing and weaving is a good start.
    I would not mind betting 6 months ago they didn't even know what recreational fishing they are all bloody experts. Power to the people!!


  4. #19

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    Have to add re McDonalds comment about "Never be reviewed & set in concrete", comes fro the same political phrase book as Howards clanger about "Never be a GST"??


  5. #20
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    Exactly KC , "never say never".

    Our basic human rights and freedoms are being eroded by bureacrats.
    And it will only get worse if we don't make a stand.
    The fight will go on. >

  6. #21

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    I've got to say a couple of things.
    Well done & congratulations to those who supported the Fishing Party at the election.
    And to Drew Hutton & the greenies,,, tought titties folks. Fishos didnt start the crap, it was forced onto us by you & yours. However the battle is now joined, we are committed to standing up for our rights & we wont go down without a fight.

    A one horse race on enviromental issues it aint no longer! Take note!

    Garry Fitzgerald
    Australian Lure & Fly Expo - Australia's largest ever gathering of Aussie lures under one
    Australian Lure Shop - Get aussie made lures direct from the lure makers at

  7. #22

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    I would like to read the Mc Donald Comments on ABC.

    But he did say - on Talking Fishing that the Reef zoning around Bundaberg seemed to have closed 70% - and he planend to look at that. I have this on tape and will check the exact words he said when I get back to Brisbane.

    So he seems to have contradicted himself. Pre election will look at it - and now its in concrete?

    UPDATE: Minister confirmed that the adjustment to Bundaberg area is on the cards - so he has stuck to his pre election promise.

  8. #23

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    As heard from the Minister's mouth 1 hour ago:

    Closures all around the Australian Coast are planned

    Next on the Federal agenda is the Gulf area.

  9. #24
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    They had better think about that very carefully.... >

    Gulf area? of course that would not apply to the indiginous folks, about the only people up there anyway. ???

    How come they get exempted from the regualtions anyway. ?
    Traditional fishers and hunters etc...
    Well I have hunted and fished most of my life and so has my father, grand father and all before them probably. How long does it take to establish a tradition?

  10. #25
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    Why don't they just Ban all fishing and start a buyback scheme for all the boats and tackle etc. as when they introduced the gun laws. Another kneejerk reaction. ???

  11. #26

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    Quote Originally Posted by Gary Fooks
    As heard from the Minister's Mouth 1 hour ago:

    Closures all around the Asutralian Coast are planned

    Next on the Federal agenda is the Gulf area.
    Gee Gaz ,you don't tend to hear that sort of thing in the LEAD-up to polling day [smiley=sneaky.gif]

    wonder what the FP vote would have been otherwise

    "sounds like" the sugar announcement re FTA , days AFTER the State Election [smiley=sneaky.gif]

    And some were worrying??? about Garrett and the Labs.....shhhheeeessshhhhh

  12. #27

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    I just don't get it.

    The plan is already in place - saying things like " we won't let them" is too late

    Unless you each invest 1000 hours of solid hard protest effort.

    A few people have been saying that for a long time. And many more say they will do something ( but don't) - well don't wait for a fire alarm to ring - it is already burning

  13. #28

    Re: Nats will use reef plan to repay fishermen

    I think it was my grandaddy and many before and after him who said, "Don't matter who you vote for they all turn into politicians".

    It's the party politics that matter not the individuals views.



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