A few weeks ago I asked everyone what was their favourite lure.
I said then I had an undisclosed motive - the truth is I was writing an article for the Courier Mail.
I've put together a list of 24 favourite lures - some that were mentioned here are on the list and some aren't.
It's my selection - a range that covers from the surface to the bottom in metal, hard and soft body.
I'm sure many will disagree with those I've chosen but I think anyone with these in their tackle box should be ready for almost anything that swims - barring game fish.
The article should be in this Saturdays Courier Mail - It should be a full colour lift out with a photo of each lure - I haven't seen the end result.
This Sunday Talking Fishing on 4BC will be a 2 hour Show starting at 4am with the first hour dedicated to lures.
There will be interviews with lure makers and users.
Tune in if you're up that early.
Dave ><>